Chapter 45 - Open the Door

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Friday was sure if Wednesday was here, he would be scolding him for standing out. Though, at the same time, that old bastard Master of his would also join them.


Planning to have brunch, Friday took the hungry boys to a restaurant. The boys hadn't anything to eat since they woke up since Friday directly took them to the mall. Friday was hungry himself since he only had that sad congee for breakfast.

They placed their shopping bags on the floor and sat on the seat, looking excited and uncomfortable. The waiter already asked for their drinks and left.

"Order anything you want," Friday grinned while he flipped over the menu of the Italian Restaurant. He had been to Italy many times before for a mission and fell in love with their delicious cuisine. Already having an order in mind, he stopped looking at the menu and looked up at the fidgety boys.

Friday observed their gleaming eyes bouncing up and down the menu, showing their desire for food. Luckily, the menu had pictures because Friday doesn't know if the boys could read. He does sure know that Pietro and Leorio have a great understanding when it comes to the value of money. He can see the boys' hearts sink every time he spends his money which he finds funny and very relatable.

When the waiter arrived with their drinks, coffee for Friday, and fruit juice for the children, the waiter asked if they were ready to order.

After Friday gave his order, a frittata, and Italian baked eggs and sausage, the waiter looked at the two children looking unprepared to order.

They probably want to order everything on the menu.

Pietro spoke up first and showed the waiter a picture of fluffy Ricotta pancakes. Seeing that his friend only ordered one, Leorio pointed at the Italian Bruch Torte, a pie made of cheese, ham, and eggs.

After the waiter left, Friday laughed softly. "No need to look sad. We'll eat here again next time if we like the food."

Leorio's ears perked up, "There's next time?"


After hearing Friday confirm again, the boys looked like they'd won a lottery. When the food arrived, the boys ate with relish, forgetting their nonexistent table manners. Though, the carefree atmosphere halted when Pietro suddenly stood up and hurriedly said he wanted to go to the bathroom.

Friday watched him disappear to the corner with a pale face.

Picking up that something was wrong, Leorio's face also turned pale. Wanting to follow his friend to the bathroom, he stood up to leave.

Sipping his coffee calmly, Friday didn't ask Leorio any questions, already knowing what was happening.

Should I? Or Should I not?

He placed his coffee down and fiddled with his fingers. A couple seconds later, he stood up to follow the boys.


Pietro pushed open the bathroom door, and fortunately, no one was inside. He didn't want anyone to see him have his panic attack.

He rushed to the furthest bathroom stall and heaved. Throwing up all of the food he had eaten to his dismay before coughing up heavily. Fearing that people might hear him outside, he tried to control his coughing fit, which made the pain even worse.

He covered his mouth as he coughed. The pain gradually spread from his chest throughout his body, making him tremble. He then felt something wet in his hands with a denser texture...Pietro didn't need to see it to know it was blood.

He continued to breathe hard while trying to stop the coming coughs that wanted to erupt from his throat. His eyes were blurry from the tears and pain.

I want the pain to stop.

He then heard the bathroom door open, making him immediately lock his bathroom stall.

A voice spoke up that was very familiar to him. "Pietro? Are you okay? Is it happening again?"

He replied back with a hoarse voice from coughing, "I'm...I'm fine. Go back."

Leorio was quiet for a second before saying that he refused to go back without him.

Listening carefully, Pietro heard the door open again, followed by a small gasp from Leorio.

Heavier footsteps came to the front of his stall. He saw the man's black shoes from the gap and decided to stay quiet.

The man softly knocked. "Pietro, open the door." Unlike his usual light-hearted tone, Friday's tone was serious and low.

In Friday's head, however:

Elsa? Do you want to build a snowman?

Pietro shook his head even though the man couldn't see him. " It's just diarrhea...I'm fine. Please go away." Though, right after his little lie, his coughing fit started up again.

Okay, bye...Not.

"Please open the door. We're going to the hospital." His voice was still low, but it contained a dose of gentleness.

After he stopped coughing again, he wiped the blood on his white shirt. "...No. You're just a stranger. This is none of your business."

"You're right... This is none of mine, but this business is his."

Friday grabbed Leorio's shoulders and directed him to stand in front of the stall.

Pietro once heard Leorio's voice pleading him to open the door.

With a smile on his lips, Friday asked a question, "You want your friend to be healthy and happy, right, Leorio?"

Leorio nodded his head and said yes.

"But, do you have the power to do that?"

Thinking about their poor circumstances, Leorio responded with a painful no. He couldn't afford anything.

"Mhm. I am here to lend you power. Your friend wants you to be healthy. So, Pietro, come out from there. We're going to the hospital."

For a moment, Friday couldn't hear any movements inside. Though, after a couple seconds, he heard the sound of rolling toilet tissue and the sound of rubbing of tissue and fabric.

Wiping up blood...? Actually, Pietro, can you not open the door? 


Author's note:

Originally they just enjoyed the brunch peacefully, then finished shopping, and finally went home. But oh well...

Things I always wondered: Why is there a gap in bathroom stalls? 


Thanks for reading and all of the support!

Kill, Save, or the second option? (Hunter x Hunter)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang