::George x Male!reader::

Start from the beginning

Our walk to our camp ground wasn't that far. It was a bit muddy and certain sticks would stick out making us trip. "Here it is!" Dream said as he pointed to a flag that was held up at a very high tree to identify the camp ground. I looked up at it fondly as I heard George drop the bags he was carrying with a huff. "Why did you give me the heaviest bags Sapnap?" George scowled as he brushed his pants from nonexistent dust. "Cuz" Sapnap simply replied as he gave George a smirk as George rolled his eyes in response. "Let's set up the tents then" I said as I dropped my bags as well towards a log.


"No you Idiot! That's the wrong hook" George exclaimed as Sapnap stopped hammering down a hook that was meant to hold the tent down. "Then what the fuck is it supposed to be used for George?" Sapnap remarked as I reread the instruction manual. "It says...it's meant to attach the legs to the top of the tent so it has shape" I read straight from the manual as Sapnap groaned loudly and started pulling the hook back out. "It's getting dark out, why don't I start the fire?" Dream said as he peered upwards seeing the sun started to shift. "I'll help with that" I said as I handed the manual to George who sighed annoyingly.

I walked around gathering sticks that were not completely small but not big as well. I wasn't scared of the wilderness since it's just nature but the eery feeling of being alone is what makes it scary for me. I heard a twig snap making me jolt in fear as I felt a hand on my shoulder. I pulled my elbow backwards as the other person stumbled back. "Woah (y/n), it's just me!" George said as I calmed down a bit. "You scared me, I'm sorry" I said as he threw his hands up. "No it's my fault for running up at you like that" he apologized. "Um, dream said to get you so we can cook up some soup" I nodded as we made our way back to camp.

"I see you finally managed to set up that damn tent" I said to Sapnap as he flipped me the bird with a smile. I gathered the sticks in the pit dream made as I fetched for some matches. "Are we seriously only eating soup?" George said as he sat down in his foldable chair. "I got some s'mores we can make later and oh! I got some tortillas as well" dream said as he waved the packet of tortillas around with a smile. "Yeah you roll em up and dip em in the soup" I said as I managed to catch the sticks on fire and started blowing on the flames lightly. Sapnap brought over a thin layer of stone to place over our pot on.

We ate our soup in a comfortable silence. The sounds of birds chirping and squirrels rummaging through trees kept us company. I turned to look at George as he was already done with his soup but his face seemed to say he was still hungry. "Here George" I said as I tipped my bowl towards his and filled it up halfway. "But this is your soup" George said as I shook my head. "I'm not that hungry" I flashed him a smile as I placed my bowl down and engulfed myself in my blanket. "What should we do?" Dream said as he slurped down the last bits of his soup. "We could make some s'mores? Or do some fishing?" I suggested as Sapnap perked up at the mention of fishing. "I Wanna do that!" He said excitedly as I could see George eyeballing him slightly.

"You guys can go do that, we'll watch from there" dream said as he pointed to a dock where Sapnap and I could fish at. "Okay! Don't be so grumpy George" I said as I gave George a reassuring smile as he rolled his eyes at me. Sapnap and I dug around the duffel bag we brought that held live bait and fake bait as well. I searched for our fishing rods and walked towards the dock with a smile. "I'm happy you want to learn how to fish with me! George and dream always say it's boring" Sapnap said as he rolled his eyes at them. I snorted as we sat down on the dock, shoulders bumping into each other.

"So let me teach you how to hook the bait into the fishing line" Sapnap said as I nodded as he took the fishing rod in his hands and showed me slowly so I could take it in.


George clicked his tongue as he observed Sapnap and (y/n) fishing, having a few laughs here and there. "You okay George? You seem spaced out" dream said as he stood up and took another stone. He jiggled the stone in his right hand and threw it, making it skip against the water. "Six" dream mumbled as he went to sit back down. "I'm fine dream don't worry" George said as he sighed scratching his cheek, feeling as if a bug kept bothering him. "You know you can talk to me about anything. I'm one of your best friends, well the most favorite one" dream said making George smile and snort at that. "Yeah, definitely the favorite one" George teased making dream shove him lightly.

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