I didn’t even think of that. But what would he want from me? But then again the words before I left continued to ring in my head.       

“You’re such a treasure to this plan.”

What did that mean? A treasure to this plan...                                                                                                                              “Carma, what’s wrong?” Haven asked me shaking my arm.                                                                                                                      “It’s just something Vanessa said before I left to get you,” I mumbled.                                                                 “What did she say?” Haven asked teary.                                                                                                                                         “You’re such a treasure to this plan...” I trailed off.


She was mad! Really pissed. I threw a bottle of wine at the wall.                                                                                                “Vanessa!” I yelled at the top of my lungs.

There was no sound of forgiveness. I dropped to the floor and started to bash my hand against the floor. She was my only friend and I treated her like shit.                                                                                                                                      “Vanessa?” I called out seeing a shadow.                                                                                                                                        “No it’s me Dee. I heard you yelling so I came to comfort you...” Dee said huskily removing her black silk night gown exposing nothing more than bra and undies.                                                                                                           “Get the fuck away from me slut!” I shouted as she walked towards me.

She didn’t listen. I pulled out my letter opening knife before stabbing her in the chest.                                                             “Agh!” She gasped before falling dead in my room.

I breathed out before shuddering. I ran from my room to find Vanessa.


The chill of the wind made tiny goose bumps all over my body. Carma had to be out here somewhere just probably with that Haven girl, if he was and I found out. There was trouble! I walked across the wet grass eyes stinging with pain and rejection. I didn’t want to know him anymore.                                                                                                                             “I HATE YOU!” I screamed out to the wilderness.

I heard the echoes travel along the wind.                                                                                                                                                  “That’s pretty harsh words for someone who treats you with such respect.” The disgusting words came out of the familiar voice of Raven.                                                                                                                                                    “Have I just forgotten a huge chapter in our knowing of each other or something?” I laughed bitterly.                                           “Don’t be like that sugar” He whispered seductively.                                                                                             “Don’t waste your time Raven.” I spat ending the conversation and continued walking towards the forest edge.

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