13. Shouldn't Care

Start from the beginning

He hesitates and shifts his attention elsewhere. With the books. As it should be.

My dear little sister was naive and I didn't want her to fall into the wrong hands. She could take whatever Blaze says to heart and he'd not give a fuck. I know him. We've been friends for years and he fucks any girl who reacts to his flirting or appeal.

Not Jules. Not my little naive sister.

My eyes found hers and she was glaring at me but I didn't care.

"Where are you going like that?"

Sighing, her shoulders drop. "To Skylar's club. It's today and don't worry about how I will get home. Adrian will actually be available this time." She mutters and before I could respond, she was gone.

I turned back around on the couch to see Blaze still rubbing his shoulder making me scoff. "I didn't punch you that hard."

"You punched me for no reason."

"Being flirty with my sister is no reason."

His brows come together while shaking his head. "I wasn't being flirty. I was simply complimenting her. Man, I didn't think it was that serious."

"Then why the fuck are you calling her sunshine?"

Blaze sighs, shaking his head once more. "It just came to mind. Jesus Christ, it meant nothing. Can we go back to doing the work since your tutor didn't respond to you?"

A bitter feeling washes over me once again at the reminder.

Red hasn't replied to any of my texts after what happened yesterday.

I didn't mean to make her uncomfortable but when I saw that fucking kid talking to her, it made me feel things I shouldn't have fucking been feeling.

I don't like Red.

I shouldn't care who she talks to.

But I do.

And that's a fucking problem.

I pulled the doors open to the classroom that was boldly printed on the top of the paper I remember Skylar gave me a while ago

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I pulled the doors open to the classroom that was boldly printed on the top of the paper I remember Skylar gave me a while ago.

I figured why not go. Besides, I was looking for something to do and get my mind off what happened between Mercer and I in the locker room.

The messages he sent me about wanting to talk have yet to be replied to.

I just didn't know what to say and I honestly didn't even want to think about it.

"Genevieve?"A soft voice breaks me away from my inner thoughts. Turning to the person who called me, I smiled at the sight of Jules.

"Jules." I take steps toward her and meet her halfway.

Mercer Petrov was a complete contrast to Jules Petrov. She was a sweet girl, and when I talked to her, which was a few times in the halls, she was a girl on a mission. She was active and I admire that she didn't take on her brothers' traits.

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