Chapter Two

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Rylee's POV

"Come in, don't be shy." she told me, before she moved her hand up to give me a gesture to come forward. I didn't know who this woman was, but she was my new and fresh nightmare. She had stunning and soulless red eyes, and she had long black hair. She had this aura around her that made me feel weird, like relaxed. Maybe it was just this golden bathroom. 

She was sitting in the largest bath tub that I have ever seen, which was also golden. As long as she doesn't stand up, I should be good. I walked forward a little, before stopping in-front of her. "If you are the leader, then tell me this." I began, causing the woman to arch her eyebrow at me, asking me to go on.

"Why did you come here to take everything away from me?" I asked her the question. "To search for you." she replied. I then crossed my arms, giving her a glare. "My name is Loretta." the woman introduced herself to me. 

I didn't say anything to her, I didn't want  to say anything to her. She was dead to me. Literally. "You are dead to me." I told her. "I am not saying your cursed name." I continued on, until she stood up and immediately, I looked away from her exposed glory. "Give me that robe next to you, then you won't have to look at the exposed me." she told me. I saw the white robe and threw it over to her. I didn't even want to go near her. "I don't think my name is cursed. It's a beautiful name." she told me, complimenting herself a little bit. 

"Come on, little one." she then said, feeling her grab my hand. "Where the fuck are you taking me now?" I asked her, "Home. We are going home. This is the servant house and you, are not a servant. You are so much more than that." she said. 

Then, I suddenly found myself in her home which was a small castle because of the old stone bricks. It had some modern aspects to it too, but most of the castle was outdated. I looked around, confused with this woman. Do not use her name, do not use her name...

"Now, since you don't want to use my name, what do you want to call me?" she asked me. "Lola." I said the name of my crush, who was now gone because of the evil bitch in front of me. "I love that. You can call me Lola, then..."

Suddenly, I grabbed her throat and slammed her into the wall. She rose up her hands in surrender, her surprised purple...purple? Purple? Why was her eyes purple? 

"Lola was the name of my crush, before you took her away from me." I told her in a low tone, "I...I'm s...sorry..." she apologised, making me release her. She still had her arms up, before she put them down slowly. "I can be the second Lola...if you want to still call me that..." she offered. 

Then, a wave of grief and pain struck my heart. Without looking at her, I slowly wrapped my arms around her, sighing softly. 

"A few seconds ago, you were ready to strangle the shit out of me and now you are in my arms. You got a strange personality, Rylee." she told me as she returned the hug, wrapping her arms around me. 

"Get used to it..." 

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