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"Yes, Ma'am, thank you."

The woman smiles at Vincent, the first genuine one Valentina thinks she's given them. "Your welcome, Mr. Castro. I'm sorry I can't show you guys in, but I've got to get back to the office. "

She finally leaves, after wishing the siblings well, getting into her out-of-place car, and driving off.

Valentina grows giddy to finally see the house as she turns to her brother who was already heading toward the trunk of the truck.

"We are never moving again," Valentina declares over the screeching police sirens that blared somewhere down the block.

"never again, kid" Vincent smirks, tossing her the keys, which she misses because she was tugging her backpack out of the truck through the window, too lazy to open it again.

She huffs, scooping them off the ground before heading towards the two-story house. Glancing around as she went up the three—once upon a time—white stairs. The porch was small, with two old rocking chairs at one end, reminding the brunette that this place used to belong to someone.

"You fuckers better not have died here," she mumbles to herself as she slides the silver key in and unlocks the off-white door before swinging it open.

She was greeted with a vast, fully furnished space that she assumed was meant to be the living room. To the far left was a kitchen with a tall rectangular wooden table that acted as an island countertop with four black stools around it; black chipped paint cabinets plastered on the walls of quite a big kitchen, and to the right by a bay window with dark green and black pillows was an ugly brownish carpeted staircase.

It is definitely owned by old people.

Valentina's phone buzzed to life in her back pocket as she stepped into her new house, causing her to flinch before pulling it out.

"I call dibs on the biggest room!" She shouts over her shoulder, hoisting her black backpack higher on her other shoulder before leaving the doorway to the stairs in search of said room, ignoring her brother's complaints and the creaky floorboards.

It's going to be shit trying to sneak back in or out with these.

She darted up the stairs, checking her phone to find messages from her mother, Eliza, and her old closest friend, Alessia Robertson, who she knew when the Castros lived in Chicago.

Ignoring her mother's text, she quickly answered Alessia's "please for the love of fuck tell me you're here already?" message with a grinning emoji.

They had been extremely excited to see each other after being apart for so many years. They'd been best friends since they were five years old and had been very adamant about keeping in contact when the Castros left for New Jersey when they were eleven.

Six years later, they were still as close as could be.

Valentina's phone rang five seconds later as she was reaching for the door handle of the first door she saw.

"Oh my God! You're here? " Alessia's voice screamed through the phone speaker the second she pressed the green button.

"Yeah, we just got to the house." Valentina laughs.

There was a squeal heard on the other end, and a door slammed shut.

"Sia! Don't break shit! "Valentina laughs again, glancing around, taking note of this door leading to a pretty nice bathroom before turning and going for the other door next to it down the hall, her eyes examining it before declaring it too small before turning to the one across from it.


"It's fine! It's fine! you better be outside when I get there! " Alessia responds before the call ends.

Valentina shakes her head at the girls' familiar cheeriness, pulling the phone away from her ear and back into her jeans pocket.

At least one of us hasn't changed.

The brunette sets her bag down on the bare mattress, looking around her new room as she pulls out her jacket from the bag.

All things considered, the room was nice. The bed sat against the wall to the left when you first walk in, with a dark wood-stained bedside table next to it and a pretty big window at the end of it, allowing what was left of the sunlight outside in. The double door of what the brunette assumed would be the closet was next to the window taking up the other wall.

Good enough.

Pulling on her black oversized jacket that clearly belonged to a male, specifically her brother, she walked out of the room, leaving her bag so Vincent knew where to put her stuff. She ran down the stairs as excitement bubbled in her stomach.

"Hi, Alessia," Vincent's ever-so-charming voice was heard before he entered the house, making Valentina grin as she ran for the door, bumping past her brother, nearly dropping the boxes in his hands.

The pair barely got a glimpse of each other before tackling each other in the front yard.

"Holy shit, I missed you, Vlad!" The blonde exclaimed, over the girl's shoulder.

Valentina's face was hurting with the size of her grin.

"I missed you, Sia."

god, it was good to be back


I know it's short but it's the prologue and idk I felt that was a good end for the chapter ok!?

hope you enjoyed :))


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