Hello, it's me

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Claude thought his life would go smoothly and maybe his mother could finally wake up from her coma.

His life was brighter when Diana had told him that she was with child.


Diana's health was decreasing as her body grew weak.

It's because-

"The baby's mana is draining Lady Diana's life as we speak. Because of this, only one of them can live. The lady or the baby."

Claude had begged her to choose herself and live with him. Choose him.

However she was so persistent on choosing their child, choosing the child that they made with their love.

However Claude couldn't help but resent the child that was taking away his lover.

He saw how Diana was growing weaker by the day and then it was already too late to abort the child.

So he distanced hisself from her-

If I don't see you at all then, It will be easier when you're gone forever.

First, his father.

His brother.

His fiancé.

His mother. After not seeing Diana at all, he would see his mother instead every day.

Only him and her. He would silently cry as he had his mothers hands in his. Even though her body was cold, her touch was warm to him as if she was there to comfort him.

It just couldn't get any worse.

Or could it?

Phoebe's body was numb. Even her eyes had no energy to open, her mouth, her fingers. She couldn't move anything and it freaked her out. 

It freaked her the fuck out.

So to her surprise, after someone was in the same room as her and she heard them say something.

Then her body felt livelier and she could hear now.

"When do we have to put the externally spell?"

"I don't think we use it because she doesn't have any external wounds."

"Ah, okay. Then we use more internal spells after tomorrow?"


"Alright, let's go."

Once she heard them leave, her heart paced fast.

Who were they? Were they helping her? Why couldn't she move? Was she chained? Is that why she couldn't move?

Phoebe then could finally feel her fingers and then-

"(GASP)!" Phoebe's body spazzed as her eyes shot open as her body arched. Taking in deep and heavy breaths as if she haven't breathed in air for years.

Phoebe coughed as her shaky arms tried to prop herself up.

Her legs were very numb but she would feel her toes so-

She wasn't paralyzed. Phoebe sighed in relief.

With heavy breathes she looked around the room she was in.

It was much more luxurious than her town room. Where was she?

However other than that-

Memories crashed into her like the day she died.


Red eyes.

A smirk.

SUDDENLY I BECAME THE EMPEROR'S MOTHERWhere stories live. Discover now