Sleeping in Lavender

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It will take years for her to wake up.

To Phoebe, it was a deep sleep with no dreams or nightmares. Simply a deep sleep for resting.

With Years passing by, Obelia was more colder than ever.

The Empress had been traveling however with her luck, they were traveling in the middle of a bad winter storm. The carriage she was in had been buried in snow along with her maids and guards.

Good grief.

Anastacius had taken the thrown and tried to kill Claude but as fate had written-

Claude killed him and took over instead.

Becoming the Emperor of Obelia with a cold heart.

Claude had ordered for his mother to be taken to the Crystal Palace, the palace for empress's. Casting powerful spells to protect his mother as well as inspecting everyone who he ordered to work and serve his mother.

A spell gave nutritions and vitamins to his mother because she was in a coma for so long. Thankfully her skin was no longer as pale as he remembered and she looked as young as she was back then.

Lucas and Athanasius's spell caused Phoebe to stop aging in her coma.

Felix was appointed as his personal knight and guard. Patina of the royal guard as well. Roger was appointed as his trust worthy citizen who supported the emperor through and through.

Every week, Claude would visit his mother and simply sit down and hold her hand in his. Kiss it and place her hand on his forehead. Talking about how he was doing his duties, how he and Felix would argue.

It was the only time Claude showed softness and such longing gaze and only for his mother.

Dreams of her singing a lullaby to him.

In such sorrow, he drowned himself in alcohol and women.

He had many concubines and had placed them in the Ruby Palace. Not caring truly about them but they were lucky enough to live luxuriously.

One day, at a grand ball of when foreigners came to give out their best trades, performances, talents and skills.

It was a festival in the capital streets in which he and Felix had walked into. Looking around the bright lights, loving families, children laughing and enjoying themselves.

A memory flashed in Claude's mind.

Athanasius noticed Claude was staring at a yellow bear plushie with a red shirt. (Guess who the beat is 😏)

"Would you like to have it?" He asked his son gently.

Claude nodded.

"Alright, then. I'll show you what your father can do." Athanasius smirked and clenched his fists.

In order to have that bear plushie, he had to win the game. Athanasius was given four balls and had to take down all of the bottles that were away from him around a couple meters.

Athanasius smirked.

"Oh dear." Phoebe giggled. Anastacius by his side with sweet candies bag in his hand, eating them.

"You better win!" Anastacius yelled.

"Oh, I will."

With years of experience in the battlefield and being the strongest man in Obelia. This will be a piece of cake.

With full force he threw the first ball at the bottle and-

It didn't budge. Not even a millimeter.

SUDDENLY I BECAME THE EMPEROR'S MOTHERWhere stories live. Discover now