Harmless Prank

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"... I'll think about it."

Phoebe smirked.

"Good enough for me."

"Father." Phoebe and Athanasius turned to see Anastacius standing with-

"Your majesty." Phoebe, Richard, Sergei and Brianna all bowed for the Empress. Phoebe saw how much uncomfortable Anastacius looked as the Empress had her hand on his shoulder. Her long nails digging into his shoulder. Phoebe grit her teeth.

For heavens sake he's a toddler. Phoebe thought.

"What is it." Athanasius asked, his cold tone returning as well as his gaze. However his body language showed that he was concerned for Anastacius.

"Drop that tone on me." The Empress rolled her eyes.

"I came by looking for Anastacius and what do I see? Him and that brat sleeping on together with that knights son."

How fucking dare she call her son a 'brat'. Her child is an angel.

"Why was HE with my son, your majesty?" The Empress said, her eyes showing disgust.

Can she get away with punching her?

"HE is my son and Anastacius's brother. The two have every right to have brotherly bonds. I see no problem with that."

"I do."

"That's too bad. Anastacius, come here."

"Anastacius stay here."

The two glared at each other. The empress dug her fingers deeper to Anastacius's shoulders to the point where he winced and whimpered. He was very confused and scared to which he should go to. Phoebe couldn't ignore that. So she had a plan. Her hand reached out to her pockets. Feeling the small bag she intended to use, smirking she took out what was inside it and-

Threw it in the air.

The air filled with red and purple gas, sparkling and blinding everyone sight.

"What's this?!-"

"What the-"

"Is it poisonous?!"

Phoebe saw the empress taker her hand off from Anastacius's shoulder and she immediately gently pulled Anastacius away from her. Whispering to his ear.

"Go stand near your father and pretend it you couldn't see."

"Kay." Anastacius grinned.

Minutes passed and everyone vision came back. Athanasius knew it was Phoebe who did this distraction because both she and Anastacius were grinning like they did a prank. Grinning slightly his face flattered back to cold.

"What was that?!" The empress screeched.

"Apologies, it seemed like my pixel dust fell from my dress." Phoebe bowed her head so she could hide the grin she was making.

"How clumsy and pathetic of you. Still didn't learn any etiquette I see."

"Well unlike some people, your majesty. Some still throw a tantrum like a spoiled child. So they may need more lessons than I do." Phoebe snarked.

The two women glaring at each other. Athanasius and Richard were enjoying the entertainment but they knew they had to break it off before one of them went at the others throat.

"Shouldn't you be organizing Anastacius's birthday banquet? It's in a few week, is it not?"

The empress huffed.

"Of course I am. I simply went out to take a break."

"I believe you had enough break time."

The empress was fuming but she bowed at Athanasius and glared daggers to Phoebe who smiled innocently. Anastacius said his farewell to his mother and hid behind his father.

"Well aren't you two sneaky." Athanasius smirked.

"I have no idea what you're talking about."

"Uh huh."

"Prince, do you know what your father is talking about? Cause I don't."

"Me neither, maybe he needs rest cause he's imagining things."

"That may be it."


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