"Where's her dad?" He asked

"I have no idea. are okay with having a daughter that's not biologically yours," I asked looking up at him with tears in my eyes.

"Of course" he smiled and pulled me close "you know I've always wanted a big family," he said as he kissed the top of my head.

"Do you still want more?" I asked him

"Maybe, but after the twins are older," he said smiling

"I swear, you'll always want more" I said smiling as I shook my head.

"Six isn't a lot in my mind, tens is, or more," he said

"You want at least ten?" I asked a bit shocked

"Yes, we're already more than halfway there. We only need four more" he said, I laughed and walked over to Sullivan who was having a hard time getting things in his mouth and helped him eat.

After breakfast was over I helped clean the dishes as Derek cleaned up the kids but Ellis seemed to have her mess under control.

"So how does it feel to have your daughter back?" Carolyn asked me as she stood beside me, drying the dishes.

"Good, it'll be a bit harder now with six kids, but she's six years old so it's not like having another baby" I smiled

"How does Derek feel about all of it?" She asked

"I think he's still a bit shocked but I don't blame him, he says he's happy because he's always wanted a lot of kids. He says he still wants more" I laughed at the last part.

"When Derek was younger he always said that he wanted to have a yard full of kids and a hot wife" she laughed

"Yea, and I got it" Derek and smirking as he came over to where we were as he held Daphne.

"Of course you did" Carolyn smiled as she continued to dry dishes.

"Really mer?" Derek asked looking at me

"What?" I asked a bit confused

"The twin's outfits?" He said referring to the dress coats.

"What about them?" I smiled

"They look like the royal family's kids," he said

"There's nothing wrong with the royal family, Derek" I laughed

"Is this what you wore growing up?" He asked

"Yes, my mother was given one daughter in her entire life and she used that chance to dress me up," I said

"You're gonna be just like your mommy" Derek cooed as he looked at Daphne as she smiled a bit.

"What about Eloise, is she gonna be like Derek or Amelia?" Carolyn asked

"Me," Derek said quickly

"I think she looks a bit like Amelia" I teased as I looked over at Eloise who was giggling as Ellis talked to her in Russian.

"No, she'll be like me," Derek said sternly as I and Carolyn laughed

"Don't get your panties all tied up" Chris said smiling as he walked in with Lizzie and their three daughters.

"Auntie mer!" Zoey exclaimed as she ran and hugged me

"Hi, Zoey," I said as I crouched down and hugged her back.

"Does uncle Derek get a hug?" Derek asked as I looked over at us

"Yes" Zoey giggled and hugged Derek

"How's the daughter?" Lizzie asked as she hugged me

"She's good, the only problem is she doesn't speak English," I said hugging her back.

"I'm sure she'll learn by the tv" Lizzie alas as she pulled back

"Hopefully" I sighed

"What, aren't you fluent in Russian?" Chris asked as he picked up their youngest daughter.

"Yea, but Derek isn't and it'll much easier for her if she knows in English," I said drying my hands off.

"Especially for school" Derek added

"Yea, I'm not sure I want her to go to school," I said

"What?! Why?" Derek said a bit shocked

"It's not that I don't want her to learn, I do, but most of the kids get bullied and end up with depression by the time they're ten or twelve and I don't want that for her," I said as I watched her play with Eloise.

"Then what do you wanna do?" Derek asked

"Maybe homeschool," I said

"Mer, we don't have the time for that, me and you have work" Derek added

"I know" I sighed

"I'll do it," Carolyn said after a few seconds of silence

"What? Ma, you can't" Derek said

"Yes, I can, I helped you all with your homework and I worked as a nurse for 25 years, I already live with you and she'll learn English in no time" she smiled

"Are you sure?" I asked

"Of course, dear, I like taking care of my kids and grandkids, Ellis may not be biologically my granddaughter, but she is part of the family now, and before you'll know she'll be a Shepherd" she smiled as she started putting the dishes away.

"We're still talking about the kicking thing" Derek whispered as he walked back to Eloise and Ellis.

What the twins are wearing :

Go check out my story "forbidden love"!

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Go check out my story "forbidden love"!

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