🦊You aren't gonna hurt her

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This takes place in the past, and before Kate and Emily become friends. Kate is still denying her feelings.

Kate's POV

I'm walking down the street,and suddenly I pass Emily's house. I don't think much of it, until I hear the most earsplitting scream ever followed by begs for mercy. I quickly go into an ally way and go into my purple girl form. Next, I break into the Smith household.

I push Anthony, Emily's father, off of Emily and grab his bat. "I don't let this shit slide," I say in a
new-york accent. I hit Anthony with the bat so hard he falls to the floor. I take the nearest chair and slam it into his throat so that he can't scream. Finally, I kill him by shoving a broken glass alcohol bottle into the side of his skull.

I drop the bottle, and the bat, and the chair. I quickly go over to Emily. She is unconscious on the floor, so I pick her up and teleport to my house with her. I place her on my bed, clean up her wounds, and lay on the bed next to her, no longer purple. I question whether or not to try to cuddle her. I don't know why I want to cuddle her—I'm straight, right?

I decide to just hug her arm and burry my face in her shoulder. Oh my god I look so soft and stupid right now. Soon Emily wakes up.

Emily's POV

I wake up after getting beaten unconscious by my father. I'm in an unfamiliar place. I shift my view to my left side and see Kate holding onto my arm. Oh my god she looks so cute. "K-Kate..?" I manage to stutter out. Kate whips her head up off of my shoulder and hugs me as tight as she possibly can without hurting me. "Thank god you're okay.." Kate mumbles.

Kate pulls me on top of her aggressively and says "I swear to god if you don't get a fucking knife next time someone tries to hurt you I'll kill you myself." Honestly she is so cute when she's trying to be aggressive towards me. She runs her fingers through my hair and doesn't let me move off of her. That threat she made was definitely her trying to hide the fact that she has a soft spot for me.

"Looks like someone has a soft spot~" I say, teasingly. Kate gives me the death stare and says "Just because I'm being nice to you, protecting you, killing people for your sake, and treating you like a princess even though I hate damn near every human on this earth doesn't mean I have a soft spot." Honestly that sentence was so cute.

I try to move off of Kate, but she grabs my waist and pulls me back on top of her. "If you move, you'll wake up my parents," Kate says. "It's best we just sleep like this."

501 words

Kate Afton AU oneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now