🐻🦊Insanity part 2

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TW: angst

Chris's POV

Kate is shaking, I can tell that she is afraid that she may have traumatized me. Thankfully, she didn't. I've seen this happen many times before.

Kate tightens her grip on me, trying the avoid touching my fresh cuts. Kate and Nightmare are the only people who know about my cuts, and I don't plan to tell anyone else.

Kate rests her head on my shoulder, I can feel her tears dripping onto my hoodie. I gently put my hand on her purple and orange wing.

Nightmare's POV

While the children, referring to Kate and Chris, have their cute moment, I am sitting in the open closet watching.

Wait, why did I call Kate a child- she's 17, died at 20, and I died at 10. Well, my animatronic's human form looks like it's older than 17. But it also looks younger than 20. At this point I'm just done guessing it's age.

My train of thought is interrupted by Goldie throwing NM Bonnie, who's in his plush form, at me. I just stare at Goldie, expressionless.

"Oh come on, you damn emo teddy-bear! Nothing?!" Goldie complains. I reply by giving him a deathstare with my blood-red eyes. "Only my emo baby-bear can call me an emo teddy-bear," I say.

"Okay simp." Goldie says, picking up NM Bonnie then teleporting away before I can shine a flashlight in his face.

Emily's POV

Watching Nightmare and Goldie battle is always funny to watch. Nightmare has become alot calmer than I remember, however.

I remember when Micheal, who is NM Foxy, taking me into the closet with Noah, my twin brother, and Kate when we were all still alive. Nightmare seemed very edgy, and EXTREMELY aggressive.

I vividly remember seeing Nightmare for the first time and just instantly running to hide behind Kate. Kate wrapped her arms around me and pulled me as close as she possibly could. My head was resting on her chest as she ran her fingers through my hair, careful to not accidentally take out one of my hair ties, and whispering, "It's okay, he won't hurt you. I have a flashlight latched to my belt, so if he even scratches you I can shine the flashlight at him." She held my hand the entire time because she knew that I was scared. Even before we were actually dating she was still very protective of me..no wonder I fell so hard for the girl who brought me to the vents after I had been beaten up in the school bathroom in 7th grade..

Okay, I'm getting off track here! Ok so right now Kate and Chris are laying on the floor together. I'm not sure where Nightmare is, but I do hear Goldie screaming in pain and agony. Kate will not let go of my hand. Sometimes, even though she is usually very aggressive just like her dad, Kate really reminds me of a Golden Retriever puppy. It's absolutely adorable to see a serial killer become soft.

508 words

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