🐻🦊Why would you think that?

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Chris's POV

It's Friday night, and I'm cuddling with Nightmare. This is something I haven't done while knowing that Kate is awake. Why don't I cuddle with Nightmare while Kate is awake? Well that's simple. Kate kinda seems like she'd by homophobic. I can't really tell if she is or not, and I can't tell if she's dating Emily or just very over protective of her.

From across the hallway, I hear Emily yell, "RACE YA TO THE KITCHEN," then she runs out of Kate's bedroom, down the stairs. Next I hear Kate calmly yell, "YOU KNOW I CAN'T RUN," as she runs out of her room. I hear her scream like she fell, then I see her fall through my bedroom door. She rolls onto her back do that she isn't on her face, then noticed me and Nightmare.

"I- uh- I CAN EXPLAIN!" I manage to say, hugging Nightmare's arm as tight as possible. Kate stands up, emotionlessly as always, and just stares at me. Nightmare pulls me onto his lap and hugs me. He looks at Kate and says, "Chris is afraid that you're homophobic."

"Well then, Chris, come here so that I can talk to you," Kate replies. Her emotionless voice scares the living shit out of me, so I hug Nightmare tighter. "I'm not going to leave him alone with you," Nightmare says to Kate. Kate gets a flashlight and points it at Nightmare. "I would like to talk to my brother in private." Nightmare kisses me and says that he doesn't have a choice but to leave. He teleports away.

"Come here, Chris," Kate says. Terrified, I walk over to Kate. She gets down to my eye level, which scares me because when she makes herself an inch taller to get to Micheal's eye-level, she's usually about to yell at him or slap him. What Kate does is quite surprising. She pulls me into her arms and says "Why would you think that I'm homophobic? I'm literally dating a girl."

Kate's POV

Chris thought I was homophobic? But why though? I hugged him and reminded him that Emily and I were dating.

"Child, I already knew that you were gay and dating Nightmare. You did a very bad job at hiding it," I say. He seems very surprised when I tell him this. Emily comes upstairs and asks what is going on. I tell her what happened, and she laughs.

"Chris, your sister is the most obvious about being bisexual out of anyone I've ever met!" She says. She lays on my back and wraps her arms around me, just above my lady-lumps. Her red hair falls in my face, covering my eyes. "Dear, all I can see is red," I tell her. She moves her hair and pulls mine out from under her arms.

Chris somehow fell asleep on me. I have no idea how this happened, since he is an absolute insomniac. I just accept what's happening and eventually fall asleep as well.

503 words

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