🦊Emily angst

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TW: cutting, rape mentions, angst

Kate's POV
I just got home from work, Funtime Foxy was being a bitch and honestly I just wanted cuddles.

"Emily? Where are you?" I holler as I put down my bag. I hear 2 bangs from the vents and can only assume that it's my beautiful girlfriend up there. I use a glitchcloud to get into the vents.

When I got up to the vents, I see Emily laying down, wearing one of my baggy hoodies, and blood coming from the gloves she uses to hide her scars. I instantly knew what was going on, so I layed beside her and held her hand.

"You did it again, didn't you?" I say under my breath. Emily gives a slight nod, confirming my theory. I pulled her as close as I possibly could, then brought her wrist up to my eye level. I took off her glove to make sure she had bandaged it properly, which she didn't. She didn't bandage it at all.

Emily's POV

Kate had brought my wrist up to eye level. I instantly knew that she would be checking if I had bandaged my cuts properly. I hadn't bandaged them at all, and I knew she wouldn't be very happy. I could feel my stomach drop as she took off my glove.

"Seriously? You didn't put on bandages?" Kate said. Next, she licked one of my cuts. "You didn't even disinfect it. My love, what the actual fuck."

I tried to lower my head to hide my face, since my face showed my guilt. Kate put her hand under my chin and tilted my head up so that I was looking at her. She had the same emotionless face as she always did. For some reason, this scared me. I quickly turned my head down again.

Kate's POV
I hugged Emily tightly, and kissed her forehead. "It's gonna be okay," I say as I pet her head. I teleported us both into the bathroom so that I could bandage her cuts.

She sits on the toilet seat, and I get the bandages out from the cabinet above the sink. I then get the disinfectant.

"Is it gonna hurt when the disinfectant is used..?" Emily asks. "Probably." I reply as I put the disinfecting liquid on a cotton ball. I take her wrist and dab the cotton ball onto the cuts.

"OWWW!!!!" Emily screams, tears now running from her face. I rest my head on her lap and say "shh.. it will be over soon." I take the cotton ball off and throw it in the woven brown trash can with a Wawa trash bag in it. Emily is still screaming and crying, so I hug her and remind her that the pain will soon be over.

I place my hand over her thigh and my other hand around her waist. "Shh... everything is going to be okay," I say as I move my hand up to her neck, "everything is going to be okay."

Emily's POV

I feel Kate's cold, metal hand against my neck. For some reason even though it felt creepy and highly frightening, it was also comforting.

As Kate slowly moves her hand away from my neck, I watch her get the bandages. She wraps my wrist in the white bandages and I see them quickly become red. She picks me up in a bridal-style and then carries me to our bedroom. She places me on the bed, lays down next to me, and pulls me ontop of her.

I place 1 of my arms around her neck and the other on her chest. Then I put one of my legs over her's. She puts her arm around me and holds the hand that's on her chest. "I know you need to cry, so do it." She says. Caught off guard, I reply with "N-no, I'm fine!"

Kate looks at me directly in my eyes and says "My love, I can smell that you're holding back tears. Would you rather break down crying in a grocery store and have 50 people staring at you?"

I couldn't tell if she was being serious or sarcastic. Knowing her, she was probably being both. I just buried my head under her arm and groaned. She began playing with the loose strand of hair that was infront of my face, not realizing that I had noticed her doing that.

Next, Kate gently pulled on the strand of hair, causing me to tear up. Had she realized that I had noticed? When she noticed that I had started to tear up, she gently pulled again. This caused me to start silently crying. It didn't even hurt, so I don't know what I was crying about. She pulled one more time, which had caused me to start sobbing.

Kate's POV

I could tell that Emily needed to cry, but she kept refusing to do so. When I found a loose piece of hair, I knew exactly what I need to do to get her to start crying. I let go of the strand of hair, and tightened my grip on her hand as she started scream-crying.

My shirt became soaking wet, but thankfully this wasn't my shirt. When I was stalking my brother I stole his shirt so that I could have something with his scent, since his scent usually stops me from killing people.

Emily hugged me as tight as she could and screamed at the top of her lungs "WHY DID HE DO THIS TO ME?!" I could tell that this was a rhetorical question, so I didn't answer instead I just lightly rubbed her back.

Emily then proceeded to mumble, trying to make it so I couldn't hear her, but failing to do so, "I probably did something that don't remember that made me deserve that.."

I knew exactly what "that" was. I look her dead in the eyes and said "NOBODY deserves that. Not even people as bad as Sasha and Fredrick." Emily just hid her face and kept crying.

My sweet little princess didn't deserve what her father did, her father should have been mature enough to know that Emily wasn't a sex toy, created to be submissive and allow any cock that wants to enter her do so. She is a human being, not a doll. My princess now goes into frequent flashbacks about her abuse, and constantly has might terrors too.

1075 words

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