Chapter 24 Nightmare

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Percy, Zoe, Thalia, and me all watched from behind some large boulders Artemis holding up the sky by herself. She looked horrible, ichor seeping from her ankles, her arms shaking violently, she was clearly breathing hard. She's losing strength quickly and she's already weak...
I felt Percys rage and hate as we looked upon a free and boasting Atlas laughing at not only Artemis but also a chained Annabeth. Zoe and Thalia were holding in the same amounts as best they could. Despite their emotions...they can't beat him. Nor can Artemis in her current state. The odds of some of us not making it here are high.
Percy's hands shook with his blade in it, he went to lunge at them but I quickly and quietly yanked back down. He glared at me and I shook my head.
"We can't just charge in there. We need a plan," Zoe said after a while. I guess her strategic mind won out against her emotions.
"We free them and we fight," Percy said and I shook my head.
"No. You guys are going to free her and your going to run."
They all looked at me as I said that, feeling surprised.
"You just said you, you didn't say we. Jesse what're you planning?" Thalia asked slowly and I took a breath.'s time. I'm out of options now. It's finally time I took up arms. I've run for a long long time and Now it's time I fight and I fight for real.
"You guys can't go toe to toe with Atlas..." I paused as I looked at them. "But I can."
"Jesse you said yourself you're not a warrior. He is. Atlas is the warrior, second in physical power if not an equal to Kronos himself. He'll kill you."
I nodded with a small smile.
"I know. But I'll die fighting for something that's worth way more than my life. I've lived a very very long time...and I'm okay going out like this. So you guys get her and you go. Clear?"
"Jesse...please. Don't...don't do this." Zoe said her voice breaking a little.
"I love you. All of you. So so much," I said my vision getting obscured by my tears. "You tell Andrew, you tell him that I'm sorry and that I'll always be with him." I said my voice breaking and Percy nodded.
"Yeah. Yeah...I will," he said.
"Go around, I'll buy you as much time as I can," I said wiping the tears from my eyes and they nodded, shuffling quietly around the side.
Here goes...
I blew the boulders apart, surprising Atlas and I charged him, my knife now a amazingly sized sword , the side of a human body.
He met me with a blade of his own, still he was shoved back slightly.
"Well hello uncle," he smiled after regaining his composure.
I shoved rage and hatred into his henchmen, making them turn on each other. Starting a fight to the death. He blinked in surprise, taken back quite a bit.
"That's right nephew, I'm fighting for real. So, Face. Me." I said kneeing in the stomach and shoving his back. Only a few feet was all I could manage, he truly is the Titan of strength and endurance. I don't have time to let up though. I brought my blade down on his as he blocked it with one hand, and threw a punch with the other. I managed to catch it but I felt the mountain shake, I used his momentum to throw him onto his side and roll as I felt onto my knees.
His blade swing aimed at my right ribs, I managed to block it but I was shoved back quite a bit and barely able to remain standing.
I caught a glimpse of Zoe, Percy, and Thalia as they had finally made it to Artemis and Annabeth. They were making quick work of their bonds, but still. Atlas saw to and tried to go towards them.
I can't let him. I need him focused on me.
"Your fights with me Atlas," I said charging him. I brought my blade down attempting slash his left shoulder but he side stepped and shoved his blade upwards towards me, I barely dodged by rolling to the side and onto my side.
I charged him again throwing my sword at his neck as I did. He deflected it with and it instantly reappeared in my hand and I attempted to jab it into his chest.
Once more he side stepped and I felt a wound in my lower chest as his blade pierced me. I grabbed his blade that was in me, it cutting my hand as I did and I head-butted him as hard as I could trying to get him to drop it.
It worked, we were both stunned. He went for his sword in me, I managed to yank it out and throw it to the side. He knocked my own bade away to, and before it appeared back in my grip he punched my wound making me double over, and brought his knee into my nose before tossing me in my side.
"Even fighting for real uncle, you're still so incredibly weak," I heard say in between his kicks. My ribs shattered with his last one. He went to go towards the group now.
"That may be so...but..." I spat up a bunch of ichor as I clamped my hand onto his ankle. "I'm not...dd..dead. Y..y..yet."
He scoffed and kicked me hard enough my hands came lose.
"Jesse!" Zoe shouted...anger at her father and desperation and worry for me clear in her voice.
"Use me! power yourself up!" Thalia shouted.
"Us too," Zoe and Percy said.
but I shook my head at them. I offered them my best smile.
"Thank you. Bu...but even with you three..." I tried to answer and shook my head. "No..not...not enough. Go!" I shouted in a raspy voice. "Leave me!" I said as I latched onto Atlas again tried to halt him.
I couldn't even buy them that much time...what a failure I am. Still! As long as I'm breathing I'll fight for them. As long as I live I won't give up. I WON'T!!!
"What if it was from all of us?"
I looked at the voice, and I felt Atlas freeze in shock. It was Artemis. She...she's offering herself to me as well?
I felt her and the others, trying their best to channel every powerful emotion they could think of into me. Everything they had, everything they felt...I feel it too.
I felt power surge through me, even more so than in the Underworld. "Stand up Issusius! Stand up and fight!" Artemis shouted. "Fight for them!"
"Jesse! JESSE!"
I gasped hard flung myself upright on my bed and almost into the wall.
"Jesse! You're ok you're ok." Erin said hugging me.
"W..where am I?" I panted.
"You're at Camp Half-Blood. You're in the Aphrodite cabin. You were dreaming. One hell of a dream too. You woke up the entire cabin and had a lot of the campers outside terrified."
"I didn't share did i? My emotions I mean."
"No. You were starting to but we woke you up in time. But still," she said rubbing my back as she sat next to me.
"I'm sorry," I mumbled now feeling tears.
"It's ok. You're awake now. What was it? You were dreaming about I mean. Seemed bad."
"A fight."
"Who was it between?"
I sighed and rubbed my eyes and took a breath.
"Someone I'd forgotten and someone...unlikely."
"Why were they fighting?"
I looked around at the many campers both inside the cabin and outside as well.
"One of them was buying time for others."
I did my best to keep it vague even though the dream was super vivid. Still, I don't want them to panic. Especially because I'm pretty fucking sure that was a vision. And a grim one at that.
"How'd it end?"
I shook my head with a shaky sigh, even louder than the last one.
"I don't know. It was left very very undecided. I'm sorry for getting you all so riled up and scared," I said getting to my feet. I need...I need air. "I need air...I'll be back." I said quietly and they formed a path for me to walk out of the cabin.
"You going to be ok?" Erin called after me.
"I think so. I just need some air. Thank you. I'm sorry again for waking you."

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