Chapter 4 The Wound

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The next day I woke up in what Andrew described as the most crowded cabin in existence and after a night in there...I believe him.

"Remind me again why I could not sleep in Aphrodite's cabin?" I asked.

"Uh you are unclaimed so it is an insult to the god or in this case goddess if you go into their cabin without permission. Basically, if you're not mine stay away mentality," some random camper explained and I nodded.

"Right...right. The gods sound like entitled jerks though if I'm being honest."

"Some are,'s not by choice," Andrew said as he leaned on the doorway. "Morning sleepyhead."

"Morning," I moaned as I stretched hearing quite a few pops, shaking my head and hair as i brought my arms back down.

"Still not a morning person huh?"

"No, absolutely not."

"Well, somethings never change I guess, come on. Chiron is waiting."

'Do not let them see,' the female voice from before said with a few echoes.

"Hey, I think uh...You mind if I go alone today Andy?"

"Um yeah yeah sure...everything ok?" He asked as I walked out of the cabin past him.

"Yeah, everything is fine. Promise. I just need to walk by myself today, got a lot still going through my head still."

"Ok yeah, I gotcha. I'll see ya around then?" He asked, and I nodded.

"Count on it."

Walking towards the arena I saw all the different teenagers training or performing some other activity, based I guess on their divine parent. I feel more restless than normal this morning, significantly more so.

"Jesse, glad you're finally awake....and not wearing armor or shirt for that matter apparently," Chiron said with a half-grin when I looked down now realizing my error.


"You really are not a morning person are you, Jesse."

"Not really no. um..." I answer as I looked around for some sort of covering to which Chiron simply pointed to a shed.

"In there."

"Right, thank you." I walked into the shed and looked around, shirt shirt shirt...I need a...THERE! I picked up a clean undershirt, some armor, and a sword. My jittery hand felt at ease as soon as it touched the hilt of the sword. Ok...that's weird. After successfully putting on the armor by myself, I was also weirded out, I walked back outside to see a small crowd had gathered. I gulp as I walk over to Chiron. "Um, do you mind if we spar in private? I don't want to embarrass myself too much just yet."

Chiron looked me over curiously then tilted his head to the side like he was curious. He walked toward me so he was right in front of me.

"You know I have trained a lot of demigods most of them teenagers, so this is not the first time one has tried to hide something from me. What is the real reason?" he asked quietly.

"I don't know...just please?"

"Very well," he said with a small nod and pulled away and gestured for the other demigods to disperse to which they groaned but left.

"Chiron just one question before we begin."


"Why train me yourself? Best I understand it, the other demigods here train themselves through activities and the quests I have heard of. So why this?"

"I'll tell you after this. I suspect today's sword lesson will be quite revealing," He responded with a grin and I blinked. I guess secrets go both ways today...

"Let us begin."

He charged straight at me slashing at my legs, trying to trip me. Straight for the legs, impressive tactics. I rolled to the left and swatted his sword away with my own, ending on my feet. He brought his blade down aimed at my head this time, which I blocked by bringing my sword up sideways. He went for a gut punch but my hand was already there expecting it. Catching his fist with ease, I shoved him back several feet. I can't give him time to recuperate, I swung my sword in my left hand at the right side of his body, which he blocked with his bracers, but it still looks like the force of the strike hurt, I swung my right fist at his joint in his left leg intent on hindering his movement but not to cause any real damage. Pulling my sword away from his bracers as I struck, him Reeling back by kicking his front half off the ground. As he landed back on his feet he brought his blade down on my left bicep hard. groaning loudly, I fell to my knees and clutched the wound. Pulling my hand away a few seconds later expecting to see a lot of blood from the massive cut on my arm, but I heard Chiron's hooves stop when I pulled my hand away, and it was covered in some kind of bright golden liquid.

"What the..."

"How?" Chiron muttered before shaking his head and lowering his blade. "Quick child cover that wound up!" Chiron ordered as we heard footsteps. Then appearing from around the corner was a panting Andrew.

"Jesse, you ok?" He asked and I nodded covering my wound.

"Yeah, I'm good. Why are you..."

"Heard you scream. It was pretty loud," He answered approaching me as a bunch of the other demigods appeared behind him also trying to sneak a peak.

"Well, I'm good now." I answered and Chiron held up his hand before Andy got within twenty feet of me.

"He will be fine Andrew, I am taking him to the big house to treat his injury. Hurry back to your training, as the rest of you must too."

More annoyed groans later the demigods dispersed once more, Andrew very very reluctantly.

"Come, Jesse, we should hurry."

"Where to?"

"I was not lying, the big house. It seems we do have much to discuss after all."

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