Chapter 18 Secrets Revealed

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- A Few Days Later -

"CHIRON CHIRON!!!! COME QUICK PERCY'S BEEN POISONED!!!" Annabeth shouts and the galloping of Chiron shook the ground as everyone backed up from Percy. His body was losing color pretty fast. I was trying to get a better glance at him.
"Let me through," I said trying to push through the crowd. "Let me through, I can help."
"Move back, let him through." Chiron ordered as I finally managed to see him.
"He used a Pit Scorpion," I said putting my hand on his burning forehead and upper chest, examining him up and down.
"I'll get the nectar," Chiron said and I shook my head. "Jesse if you could bring....Percy...."
I quickly let go as Percy sat up with a loud did the other campers. Right...I forgot only five people here know I'm a Titan. Damn. Well...that'll be fun to explain. The fading color quickly returned to Percy's face and the rest of his body.
"Thanks," Percy said looking at me with a nod.
I replied with a small smile and nod as well.
"You're welcome." I offered my hand and he took it as I helped him to his feet.
"Oh..." Chiron said awkwardly. "I was attempting to wait to get you both to the big house before you healed him, but it seems you're desire to help kicked in too fast. In any case thank you Jesse."
"Uhm y..yeah. Of course..." I stuttered as I awkwardly walked back over to Andy and he hugged me.
"Feeling a bit shy or is it embarrassed?" He asked with a chuckle as I snuggled into him with a deep sigh. My back to everyone else now, but I still feel their stares and a plethora of their various emotions.
"Both," I whispered and he nodded.
"Chiron if you don't mind, I think me and Jess would like to retire for the night."
Chiron nodded, still eyeing Percy.
"I suspect Mr. Jackson and me have a discussion brewing about what happened."
I followed Andy back to Aphrodite's cabin and got into a bed across from his.
"What're you doing?" Andy asked as he rolled over on his side, looking at me with a smile.
"Uh...trying to sleep?"
"Not what I meant. I'm talking about with Percy. When you healed him, you didn't think first did you?"
" I didn't."
"Didn't think so. Granted your the Titan of healing, bonds and emotion. And so logic would dictate that you saw someone needing help, you're emotions got the better of you and you helped them." Andy says, I guess thinking out loud?
"Are you concerned about something Andy?"
"Yeah I guess. I'm concerned about you. You're safety."
"Whatcha mean?"
"Well...I'm concerned what you're actions tonight will do. To the other campers I mean. You just made it clear, you're not a demigod. No demigod to current records could do what you just did."
"There's also the fact that we're ya know...teenagers. Minus you....who's actually several thousand years old. Which doesn't take away from your cuteness, well for me at least."
"Thank you," I felt myself giggle a little bit, albeit unintentionally. "But, point of your worry is that there will be some potentially highly volatile reactions from the other demigods?"
"Mhm," I agreed with a yawn. "Sleep now. Worry about it tomorrow." I muttered, but I jolted a tiny bit when I felt arms wrap around me gently. I opened my eyes as I saw Andrew climb in bed with me.
"Nu uh, just...just let me hold you please? Just for tonight."
"Okay." I nodded. "Okay."

- The Following Morning At Least A Week Later -

I rolled over on my side expecting to be face to face with Andrew...who wasn't there.
"Andy?" I yawned as I stretched. No response...."Andy?" Nothing. "Andrew?" I called louder as I got down from the bunk. I can't see him...where would he have...."Andrew where are you?" Okay this is super weird...and getting a bit too ominous for my liking. Actually...where's everyone else? No one is here. I still feel all these emotions from so many sources but I don't see anyone?
"Tyson get out of the way!"
"Yeah roll to the left and run."
What's going on....I peaked my head out of the cabin. I smell metal and smoke, and the ground felt like it was shaking. I that a metal bull?!

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