Chapter 9 A Troubling Proposition

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"Jesse, Jesse wakey wakey."

"Hmm?" I asked sleepily, opening my eyes seeing Andrew smiling down at me. "My turn already?" I asked stretching.

"What do you mean already? sleepyhead you were out like a light for the better part of an hour and a half." Andrew laughed helping me sit upright.

"Oh...My bad..." I replied sheepishly.

"Don't worry I made sure you took the last watch," Andrew said grinning at me, causing me to blush and look away.

"Thank you, I'm on it now though. So it's your turn to get some sleep."

"Will do," Andrew nodded as he laid down, getting comfy and closing his eyes.

"See ya when you wake up," I smiled and he gave a small nod.

"Mhm that's the plan," He mumbled closing his eyes and falling asleep with the rest of the demigods.

I looked out the window watching the city and land pass by then to the map of the train route...about another two hours till we reach the stop we get off at.

"Do I like being a titan?" I muttered under my breath reflecting on Annabeth's question. "That's a good question Annabeth, a very good question," I sighed.

'You do Jesse. You rely heavily on it to keep what matters most to you safe. I like the name by the way. Very you.'

"Hey Aphrodite, it's been a while," I said as I looked at a projection of her appear in the seat across from me.

'It really has. I'm glad to see you're doing well, truly. And keeping my son company, you really do make him happy you know that right?'

"Believe me it's mutual. I know you remember how many times I sought you out for counsel on the subject of love."

'Yeah. I don't think I've ever met someone so adorably awkward and oblivious before or since,' she said with a soft laugh. 'Even still, I can feel and see how in love you two are. And I know you'll keep him safe, them too," She added nodding to the other three.

"I will as best I can. Which honestly isn't much compared to you lot or the Titans. But still, I promise I'll do my best."

'Jesse, don't sell yourself short on power. You know I remember right? I remember who you fought and beat in the war. I know you weren't out for blood and how little you wanted to be there, how much you hated having to fight. But don't by any means think your weak ok? As you yourself told them before, relationships and emotions have immense power. Power you can utilize and fight with, even if you don't want to.'

"When I fought those 5 it was before 2 of them had their weapons, and one almost killed me. And the other 3 weren't by any means an easy fight either. In any case, my fighting days are done."
Aphrodite blinked then laughed at me, and I glared at her.

'You're fighting days are done..." she said between laughs. "Aaahhh Jesse Jesse Jesse, I love you so much. I think you forgot how far back you and I go. We both know the second the mortals need you to step up you'll be right there. That's not even considering if anything happens to endanger Andrew.'

"Nothing will ever happen to him. I won't let it. As long as I can breathe nothing will ever harm a hair on his head."

'I genuinely hope that stays true. If that day ever comes to pass even I'd pity whoever made that mistake.'

"Why are you really here Aphrodite? I doubt this is the reason." She sighed in response as she looked at me.

'I wondered how long before you picked up on that...'

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