Chapter 25 Return

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4 weeks later

"Woohaahoooo! They're back!" A camper shouted as he ran towards the barrier. A lot of heads turned fast and looked at the entrance seeing the trio as well as Chlarise and Tyson returning. A large golden pelt on Percy's shoulders.
They did it...whew. I'm glad they're back.
"Welcome back guys! It's good to see you all. Especially you Grover. That could not have gone well for you, glad you're ok," I said and he laughed nervously.
"Yeah. Not a fun experience."
"Annabeth!" Thalia shouted and ran up to her and hugged her.
"You guys got it?" Erin asked walking up to Chlarise who held the pelt."Very very impressive. Hopefully it works as well as advertised."
"Put it over there," Chiron said pointing to a tree across from where Thalia's was.
Chlarise did as instructed and it starting humming gently immediately. Then Dionysus' barrier disappeared and a new one, as strong as Thalia's was formed. I heard the campers cheer as the protection for their camp was back. A sense of permanent safety I suspect was restored after seeing the new barrier.
"I think a celebration is in order," Chiron said and the campers cheered louder.
The preparations for what I suspect will be a large party began almost immediately. Banners were raised, table clothes laid out, the cooking fire ignited...the speed of which was impressive I must admit.
"Jesse! Can we get some help?!" A few campers called over in strained voices. I looked over at them as I headed their way.
"Yeah sure," I said walking faster upon realizing they were trying to lift a large log off a table. I put my hand under it and pushed up a tiny bit, and it was removed immediately. "Where am I putting this?"
"Over there by the stream if you could," one said and I nodded dropping where instructed.
"Welcome. Need anything else?"
"Yeah if you could move those benches into place?"
"On it," I said smiling.
The vibe was excited and energetic, everyone feeling very very happy. Which was a nice change of pace compared to the nervousness from before.
Erin helped Thalia and Annabeth, Tyson alongside Percy and Grover working together as well. Chlarise was laughing it up with the other children of Ares.
"So how was it?" I asked Percy.
"Less stressful compared to the last quest but by no means less dangerous. If anything more so because of the remote location."
"I see," I muttered. "Well you're all back now safe and sound with a means to protect this place. So hopefully you get to decompress now yeah?"
"For sure," Percy said smiling.
"Things have been seemingly more and more dramatic and dangerous as of recent. Which hasn't been the case in ages. I suspect we'll all be very busy."
"Yeah probably. But right now we can focus on this win and celebrate."
"Yeah. I agree with you there Percy," I chuckled nodding as I continued to fix up the pavilion with them.
"You two done yet? I'm hungry and the Hephaestus kids are already grilling." Grover said walking up with Tyson.
"Just about yeah," I answered finishing up the knot on the final banner to the biggest tree.
A couple hours later the night had rolled in and the air was filled with the scent of torches, burgers, hotdogs, and other party like food smells. The happiness and celebratory energy surrounded the camp. Leaning on a relatively distant tree I watched them, all of them. A smile found its way on my face as I took everything in.
"Hey Jesse," Chiron said trotting over and I shook my head with a chuckle.
"Hey Chiron. What's up? You need something?"
He shook his head smiling at me and nodded to the campers who were still laughing and singing it up.
"You had a big hand in this you know."
"I barely did anything Chiron."
"Jesse it's ok to relish in your achievements from time to time. Too much modesty can make you look insecure."
"I'll keep that in mind," I laughed lightly.
"I heard. About your nightmare..." Chiron said after a bit. "I'm positive Erin has told the the trio and Thalia as well by now."
"I figured news of that would eventually get to you," I sighed. I don't blame them for reacting this way, I can see and understand why they'd do it. However it's still annoying.
"We should discuss it..."
"Agreed but not now. Not tonight. There's no need to disturb the mood. As you said earlier, what's happened is cause for celebration. So let's celebrate," I said as I walked away back towards the campers.

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