Chapter 34: Trial and Error

Start from the beginning

Asajj was walking through a side street with a old takeaway shop and a charity shop that had long since closed for tonight. Her lightsabers had gone missing after someone has managed to sneak up on her and knock her out. Asajj growled for that must mean she was getting rusty. Not just anyone could sneak up on her. They must've been after Ahsoka and despite the Jedi brat being somewhat annoying and a nuisance, the Nightsister knew that deep down she didn't want anything to happen to her.

The metal creaked above her as someone looked down at her. Although Asajj was smart enough not to turn around, she could sense through the Force that they were a Jedi. They jumped down and she spun around to face them. Knocking their cloak off, she saw that it was Anakin Skywalker, Ahsoka's Master. "What did you do to my Padawan?!" He used the Force to choke her as his voice lowered to a growl.

Asajj was very surprised. She had never seen him like this. Something catastrophic in his eyes must've happened for Anakin to hunt her down. Kicking him in the stomach, Asajj freed herself from his Force choke and gasped for air. "I didn't do anything to your Padawan except help her. She was going to get caught eventually but I provided her with the means to further her investigation." Asajj held her arms up in defense but Anakin was having none of it.

He activated his lightsaber and held it to her throat. "LIAR!" He yelled as he pressed her against the wall.

Asajj realised this wasn't the time to mess around. "It's true!" She cried. "We got to the warehouse and we went our separate ways. We learnt about the warehouse from her friend she called Barriss. However I thought your little brat was coming back to talk more. However I was attacked and the thief ran off with my lightsabers." Anakin released his pressure on the blade and pulled back just enough to give her room to breath.

Her story did match up with what Ahsoka had been saying and while Anakin trusted his Padawan without any doubts, the word of a former Sith was to be questioned. "Why should I trust you?" Despite wanting to help Ahsoka, all of this could just have been said as a of earning some credits. "You were going to have Ahsoka over to the authorities!"

Asajj needed him to see reason, especially for the sake of his Padawan. "I admit, when I first found her I only interested in the bounty. However on our little journey I discovered that... She and I are one and the same." That was the wrong thing to say as Anakin immediately grabbed her throat with his mechanical hand.

"HOW DARE YOU COMPARE YOURSELF TO AHSOKA! SHE IS BETTER THAN YOU IN EVERY WAY!" Anakin shouted at her as Asajj tried to fight him off.

Eventually he let her go to continue speaking. "What I meant was that my Master abandoned me..." Asajj paused to gather her breath and thoughts. "And that's exactly what you're precious Jedi Order did to her." Anakin immediately dropped all offences against her, his eyes widening as he realised the truth.


Ahsoka stood with two Temple Guards on either side in front of the door that would lead to the Republic court. For a while she'd been held in a secure cell above everything to watch it set up and add any last minute details to her defense with Padme. Senators had been arriving for the last hour as they filled their seats as the jury. Unsurprisingly as she was the accused, Ahsoka hadn't seen Riyo or Lux but rather older Senators whom she may not call friends. The Jedi Council had also gathered and entered first, taking their places opposite of the Senators.

The wound of being expelled from the Order still lay fresh and uncovered in her heart. Ahsoka had started to assume that the numbness and cold she had previously felt had disappeared however seeing them again had brought it all back. When Padme had given her a hug, Ahsoka had barely been able to return it, much less feel the maternal love she'd felt before. Ahsoka knew that this was merely a precaution in their eyes in case she did turn out to be guilty- which she wasn't- however she didn't know what would happen when her innocence was proven.

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