Chapter 14: Fly Over

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Everyone at the compound had been awoken and briefed within minutes of the Ruplings going crazy. They'd taken off after something unknown had spooked them, taking Lux and Ahsoka with them. Anakin had made sure everyone was searching for them, their main leadership and their main source of transportation before the rebels even attempted to try anything. "It is strange don't you think, Sir?" Rex asked Anakin as they followed Obi-wan through the jungle. They were trekking through the North-east section of the jungle as this was the directions the Ruplings had flown off in. It had been chaotic and confusing for everybody, including the Ruplings yet the supervisors felt that this was the best way to go in search of Ahsoka and Lux.

Anakin didn't even have to ask what his Captain meant. It was very obvious what he meant. "That the senior leadership of the rebellion has all gone MIA along with my Padawan who is the closest to the rebels? Or that the main source of transportation for these rebels have suddenly and for some unknown reason ran away. Right away from their main target, the capital city? Yes Rex, I do think it is strange. Master, have you been able to sense anything yet?"

Obi-wan looked back as he stopped to lean on a tree. "No I haven't, have you?"

Anakin closed his eyes for a moment. "No, have you?" Obi-wan stared at him as they both tried to understand their own logic.

Rex cleared his throat to get the Generals attention. "Um, Generals, sorry to interrupt. However I think I've found something." The clone pointed to three claw marks etched into the dirt, leading up to a tree that looked like it had been mauled by a wild animal. It probably had to be honest. The tree also had deep, raw cuts in it from a lightsaber. Two. Ahsoka must be leaving them clues! "Sirs, the tracks lead this way." Rex started to make his way through the foliage with both the Jedi Knight and Master following him.


Ahsoka wasn't trying to leave her Masters and Rex any clues, instead she was trying stop the uncontrollable creature before it was too late. The claw marks had been made by Lux pulling in the creature's leash to get to slow down and digging into the dirt. The tree was a result of Ahsoka using her sabers to try and hold the creature back, resulting in it being destroyed.

The Rupling was flying at increasing speed, resulting in the wind being knocked from its unwilling passenger's stomachs. It was actually quite cold up above the trees and neither teen had layers of protection on to keep them warm. "Lux?" Ahsoka called out over the biting wind that blew away her words and any remaining breath she had.

"Yeah?" He asked back but his reply was barely heard. Despite Ahsoka wrapping her arms tightly around him and pressing into his back, the wind and altitude made conversation nearly impossible.

Suddenly the Rupling dipped and rose through the clouds and treetops at remarkable speed, causing both teenagers to fear for the contents of their stomachs. Ahsoka suffered worse than Lux with the sudden motion sickness which is weird when she was the Padawan of reckless flyer Anakin Skywalker. You would think that she had developed a strong stomach. "Why... Why is it... Going so... Fast? Where... Where are we... Going... As another question?" Bile rose in Ahsoka's throat as her eyes watered and she tried to take several deep breaths.

Lux could feel and hear her discomfort and felt terrible that she felt this way. "'Soka I'm sorry, I really don't know where we are going. I am trying to get her to slow down though. I think I have some pills in my backpack that might help but if they don't... Well, we are just over the jungles, not a bustling city." He reached behind him and started to stroke her lekku in a comforting attempt while she aimed a powerful punch at his back. She hit which caused Lux to know that she didn't appreciate his sense of humour. However it also unbalanced Ahsoka which caused her to cling tighter to the boy.

After fiddling with his bag straps and pockets for a few moments, Ahsoka gave a quiet and shaky sigh of relief as she saw the medication Lux was referring to. Despite her obvious discomfort, Ahsoka wasn't foolish enough to just start taking some medication without making sure it was safe first. "Lux? Will these be okay for me? I really don't want to die up here." She picked a handful and carefully looked at them in her palm.

Up ahead, she heard Lux scoff. "Do you really think I would offer you something that could kill you? These pills are suitable for all species, they are just simple motion sickness pills. Honest. You'll be fine." He patted her own the head much to her annoyance and offence. He sensed her displeasure. "Sorry." He muttered.

Ahsoka didn't say anything as she popped one into her mouth and broke it in two with her razor sharp canine teeth before swallowing. Immediately, she felt the medication begin to work as her stomach settled down and the bile retreated. However a sudden and unexplainable giddiness overtook her and the Jedi Padawan began to laugh. Lux turned around slightly to make sure she was okay. Seeing her current predicament, Lux looked at her pills in her hand and sighed as he remembered a few side effects of the drug. Giddiness, unawareness, carelessness and hyperactivity. Great.

Still as long as she was just laughing and not wondering what it would be like to skydive freely off of the Rupling; Lux felt in control and mildly happy. The Rupling took a sudden dive as Ahsoka cheered and Lux lent back to avoid falling off. The bird flew closer and deeper into the trees where the branches, leaves and vines scratched and clawed at their faces and arms. Rather quickly, they burst into a clearing where many other Ruplings where laying, hanging or hovering. It looked like some kind of best. Lux pretty quickly realised that the Ruplings here were both wild and tame, therefore they could be in some potential danger. "'Soka? Come on, we need to see what we can learn." He began to help her off the creature while she laughed, patting him on the head.

"You know who I like Lux? You. You're always so kind, generous and helpful to me. You're like a prince, or a knight! Maybe a prince and a knight! Can that happen?" Ahsoka was clearly loopy now and Lux could feel his patience begin to be tested.

He sighed as he took her hand and led her deeper into the middle. "Yeah that's me. Now try to stay close."

"Got it!" Ahsoka then took that opportunity to jump on his back. "Ride noble steed! Adventure awaits!"

Lux hung his head in utter despair. This was going to be a long day...

I'm sorry that I've broken my streak but I'll try to be back on it tomorrow. Still, I suppose this would be your regular update time. I hope you have enjoyed this chapter, like I said I'll try to update tomorrow. Bye, bye.

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