Chapter 29: Witnesses

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Lux followed Vizzal through the streets of Coruscant towards the back entrance of the Temple. They had finished having a nice breakfast together and they were returning home when they felt the explosion from the Jedi Temple. Shocked, the pair had raced to the front steps where they barely managed to get close as protests had immediately started after emergency services had gotten through. Lux had been desperate to make sure that Ahsoka was okay but he couldn't get anywhere near where he needed to be. Vizzal had noticed his distress and the chaotic mass and pulled him away before the recent Senator became squished.

"This way!" She hissed at him as Lux stopped to look at the buildings he had never seen before. Tugging him further along the streets, Vizzal stopped suddenly as they heard the sound of someone approaching them. "Get down!" She shoved Lux behind a pair of barrels before jumping up onto a window ledge and hiding behind the window shutters.

Lux managed to sit up and poke his head over the barrels to try and see who it was but Vizzal waved at him to keep his head down. Lux sighed but did as she said as another person came walking around the corner. They wore a jet black cloak and a metallic black jumpsuit that concealed their entire body. The boots were combat boots that allowed for speed and power while their face was hidden by a mask. There was nothing about this person that could help either human or Twi'lek to identify them. Lux pressed himself against the barrels to hide himself from view as they came approached his hiding spot but they became preoccupied with something and turned away from Lux so they couldn't see him as they hurried past. The young Senator breathed a silent sigh of relief as they continued but that joy was short lived as he had been leaning too far back on the barrels and caused one to lose balance and topple over with a large crash! The figure spun around, enraged and fearful at being spotted.

"Karabast!" Lux growled as he reached for his blaster only to discover that it had been pushed from its holster during his fall. Therefore, out of reach. The person noticed his lack of defense and laughed through the metallic material of their mask, causing their voice to come out very echoey. They started to approach Lux like a predator would their prey and pulled out a weapon, a lightsaber! Lux was shocked! Jedi didn't hurt people with their sabers, even if they thought they were petty criminals. "Excuse me! I'm a Senator of the Republic. I ask that you put your weapon away or- AH!" Lux was rudely interrupted by the strander as they did indeed lower their weapon but instead held out their hand and used the Force to knock him unconscious.

Vizzal had watched all this occur from the relative safety of her window ledge but knew that she couldn't get involved regardless of how much she would've liked to. Lux was in danger and she'd only just gotten him out of some other type of danger. Still if their was someone out there who was a witness to what happened here the they could be a point of reference to try and rescue her friend later.

The masked figure approached the unconscious Senator. They pulled out a small scanner to check something about him perhaps and chuckled to themselves softly, believing themselves to be alone. Reaching a piece of rope and gag out of their pocket, the figure tied Lux's hands and feet together while gagging him. Then they dragged poor Lux away down a series of side streets. Vizzal followed behind them closely yet far enough away not to get caught. Eventually they opened up into a busy market square with a lot of people about as the figure and Lux vanished up to the rooftops where poor Vizzal couldn't follow.


Ahsoka followed her Master to outside the Jedi Temple where protests had already been raging for a while. They needed to know of any of the security team at the Temple had seen Jackar Bowmani. He hadn't been spotted since the incident but as a key witness it was important to find him and try to get some more answers. "Excuse me? Lieutenant? Have you seen this man? We need to find him to help with our investigation." Anakin handed the person in charge of holding the protestors back a small data-pad with some of Jackar's information on it.

The Lieutenant shook his head sadly. "Sorry General, can't say I've seen him today. These protests have been going on since before the bombing. It's increased since then but many of these people object to the war in general. However some are demanding answers about the bombing. If I see anyone at all matching the description I'll send them your way." He saluted Anakin and Ahsoka as he turned to leave but Ahsoka was distracted by a commotion in the crowd.

A human woman in her early thirties perhaps suddenly broke through the throng and called out to them. "Wait! That's my husband! Jackar Bowmani! I've been trying to reach him since the explosion!" She looked desperate and Ahsoka could see how distressed she was and feel the fear radiating off her through the Force.

Anakin looked at Ahsoka as though they had found the jackpot. "Madam, could you come with us and answer some questions?" The woman suddenly looked terrified for a different reason which Ahsoka could understand as the Jedi Temple could easily be indimdting to those unfamiliar with it. Nevertheless, she followed the pair into the Temple to where the interrogations were taking place.

The woman was found to be called Letta Turmond who had been married to Jackar for a long time. She sat on a stool with Ahsoka and Anakin sat in front of her, drinking a glass of water. She seemed visibly shaken although she had enough wits to get a reasonable conversation out of her. "What is all of this about? Do you know where my husband is?" She demanded of the Jedi, particularly Anakin.

He looked mildly uncomfortable at her tone. "We don't know where Jackar is at the moment, that's what we're trying to work out." He sighed, already dreading what he had to ask. "Letta, I can see that this is distressing for you but I have to ask: Would Jackar be capable of something like this?"

Letta looked distraught. "Of attacking the Jedi Temple? Of course not! Why? Why would you think that?!" She started to stand up and Ahsoka did the same in case she was needed however Anakin motioned for them both to remain seated.

Anakin looked sincerely apologetic. "I'm sorry, I had to ask. Now Letta-"

"Do you know what it takes for someone to work in the Jedi Temple? To come into your precious Temple? My husband passed all the exams, all the tests. Never once complained about how he was forgotten. Now you remember him only when he could be gone. To accuse him of terrorism! Jackar could never do such a thing!" Letta began to get more distressed so Anakin knew that their talk had come to an end.

"Don't worry Letta, we will find your husband." He promised her with a smile as he led her out of the Temple and back into the wide, crazy world.

I hope you enjoyed this second installment of the finale. I wonder what happened to Lux? You will find out soon I guess. I'll update again tomorrow so bye, bye.

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