Chapter 3: Homesick

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Anakin was giving each Jedi Master a silent stare-off. He was also mad on behalf of his Padawan and was showing them her fury through his eyes. Not literally though but Obi-wan, Yoda, Mace, Plo Koon and Ki-Adi Mundi as well as the others all knew what was happening. Lux's outburst as well as Ahsoka's rage at them had left them all stunned and confused but they knew that the matter had to be resolved in a way that was pleasantly acceptable to everyone. It wasn't usual for the Jedi Masters to disappoint so many people at the same time but they were adaptable. Ahsoka's location was yet to be determined and she'd ran out on them an hour ago, not one of them breaking the silence because to do so would be admitting that the two angry teenagers were completely right.

"Anyone want to say something? Perhaps about the fact that they were right?" Anakin asked the Jedi Masters coldly with his arms folded. Obi-wan would tell him off greatly for his attitude and disrespect towards them in those questions but Anakin was just as annoyed at them as the others were. Lux was right, it wasn't fair of right of them.

Mace Windu looked Anakin dead in the eye with a cold, hard stare. "You, young Skywalker, are seeing this in a single perspective. Imagine if your homeworld Tatoonie became trapped under a rule that the people hated and fought against. If the people of Tatoonie came and asked us for help, you would want to help them, correct?" Anakin felt his deep-rooted hatred for his childhood planet surge through his body, feeling the urge to destroy Windu rising rapidly. The people of Tatoonie were already under the terrible rule of Jabba the Hutt. Anakin would never, ever return to the planet where his mother was murdered and where he was raised as a slave. Mace Windu seemed unaware of the Jedi Knight's fury and continued. "Even if we agreed to help them on Tatooine, imagine if the planet Shili came under a similar threat. Jedi Master Shaak Ti and your beloved Padawan both come from there, they would want to help their people as well. If we refuse, then those people would suffer and that would not be fair and the galaxy would turn on us." Mace Windu was using a voice one would reserve for a particularly stubborn and misunderstanding child, much like how both teenagers and the young adult was behaving.

Deep down, although Anakin would rather die and be burned into smithereens before returning to Tatooine, he knew that Windu did speak logical sense on many levels. It wouldn't be fair or just of the Jedi to help one world and then reject the others. As a war general, Anakin also knew that from soldiers to supplies the Republic would not have enough resources to free every planet who asked. He hates this thought though and knew Ahsoka wouldn't understand much less than he did, she was just a fighter and not someone who looked at all the numbers needed to fight. Heartbreaking to her as it would be, they simply could not now or ever help free Onderon from the Separatists.

Anakin bowed his head in acknowledgement of the truth and an apology for his attitude. Looking at Obi-wan, he could see that his former Master knew what he was thinking and looked disappointingly over at Mace for bring up the desert planet. "Masters, if you excuse me, I should go and find my Padawan. She will come to terms with the situation... With a lot of time and patience." Anakin bowed once more and left the chambers in search for his furious apprentice.


On Onderon, Lux had stormed away from the rebel encampment and deep into the jungle. Anger radiated off him in almost visible waves like heat, he couldn't believe that the Jedi were hanging them out to dry like this! It wasn't right! He only hoped that Ahsoka would have some plan to help them, even if it was just small-scale but any help was welcome at this point. The young Senator had a slight destination in mind for even though it had been a few years since he'd lived on Onderon, Lux had a pretty good sense of direction and could easily navigate his way through the forests.

Ruplings flew overhead as flowery scents filled his nose but nothing could distract Lux from the problem at hand. He wished that there was something more that he could do. Stopping to lean against an oak tree, Lux wiped his brow and scolded himself. Ahsoka would know what to do in this situation, she wouldn't be lent on a tree bring mad at everything and everyone, she would be being proactive. That was what Lux wanted to be but he wasn't a Jedi and didn't have the resources that a Commander in the Grand Army of the Republic would have. Right now, Lux was just a boy, wanting change on his home along with some old friends. Despite their numbers increasing gradually but greatly in these last few months, they really weren't a force to be reckoned with. They could barely keep the fighting out of their own ranks, much less take down a corrupt government who had an army of overwhelming numbers of droids.

Still, they were determined to try. 'That is what will get us killed.' Lux thought bitterly as the dense forest cleared into a section of jungle that didn't look as out of control as the rest of the planet. The path had been worn away over many years of people walking and carts rolling over it. It was devoted with little garden lights that illuminated the pathway at night as well as small flower beds outlined by painted stones. It bought back happy memories for Lux and as he continued walking he began to see little homemade items hanging from the trees. Picking up the pace, Lux broke into a run and a clearing that revealed an overgrown manor. His childhood home.

The bricks had been painted over in a lovely yellow colour when he was six by his Father and the corners were edged with white marble. Now though the marble was scratches and withered, the paint faded and peeling. It must've fallen into disrepair after his family moved. Lux had thought about offering it as a base for their operations but the thought of Saw and the others turning the house where his sister was last happy into a military staging ground made Lux feel terribly sick. The roofing had once been bright yet rustic red tiles that were now cracked and brown. The windows were boarded up and the door was taped across and locked. Lux had the key of course but he knew the inside would be no better. Plants, trees, shrubs and bushes that had once been his mother's pride and joy were now put of control and climbing over his old home.

Lux didn't bother to go inside, instead he sat on the dusty, broken marble stairs and started to punch a nearby tree. He was mad. After a while, Lux ran out of energy for fighting and lent back with his head in his hands, crying. It had been a while since he'd last cried as he didn't like to cry in public or in front of anyone. Ahsoka seemed to be the exception to that rule for he had cried in front of her many times. He missed her. He missed his sister, father and mother as well. He missed everyone.

It was funny really, to be homesick in the place you grew up.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter, again on time. Yay! I should update again on Tuesday. For now though, adiós.

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