Chapter 13: Celebrations

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Lux and Ahsoka landed by a small pond with the rest of the Ruplings while the rebels were celebrating inside the main compound. Anakin, Obi-wan and Rex were already there so Ahsoka made her way over to them while Lux was pulled into the celebrations. Steela and Saw were at the heart of the celebrations and were quick to pull him in. Ahsoka smiled at how happy he looked and sat down next to her Masters and Rex. "Heya Snips, how did your mission go?" Anakin asked with a smile as he noticed the giddy look on his Padawan's face.

Ahsoka turned away from the sight of the celebrations and back to her Master. "It went well, thank you Master. Lux bought me this diamond and then he and I watched over the market place where we saw a man get arrested for illegally selling fabric made out of Dalgo scales. He then explained to me about the ideals of the- What?" Ahsoka stopped talking at the looks on her audience's faces. Pity, amusement and caution were present on the three men. They all looked worried about the fact she had noticed their expressions.

Obi-wan sighed as he spoke up. "Ahsoka, I'm glad to sed that you are having a nice time, we all are. However.." The older Jedi trailed off and caught the eye of Anakin who gave him a very significant nod. Clearing his throat, Obi-wan continued. "However we have some news: The Council has ordered us to return to Coruscant. Immediately. They say we have done our job here and the rebels can now survive and succeed on their own. The war requires our attention elsewhere." All three men winced as the news came out and silently braced for the inevitable outrage.

It didn't come. Ahsoka was distracted by something in the heart of the celebrations. Steela and Lux were stood very close together although Saw was nearby. Steela then turned to the group as a whole and shouted. "Everyone!" The silence that followed her call was immediate. "We must celebrate! We've won this battle and soon Onderom will be ours! King Rash will fall and King Dendup will return!" Loud cheers went up from all around yet Steela hushed them once more. "However! We could not have done this without you! Thank you for your commitment and will to free our home!" She let the cheers continue as Saw hugged Steela tightly.

After they had finished, Saw placed both hands on her shoulders. "I'm proud of you Steela." He began. "None of this would've been possible without you. You gave people hope and inspired them to stand alongside you." The other rebels clapped and nodded in agreement. Steela blushed slightly and Lux hugged her. Ahsoka felt her anger and jealousy rise like bile in her throat. She knew that Lux didn't like Steela in the way she'd thought yet that didn't mean Steela didn't like him.

"Come here you handsome Senator." Steela teased him as they hugged back. Ahsoka knew that it wasn't a kiss yet her natural instincts in whatever sense told her to turn away or suddenly make it stop. They pulled away with a smile yet Lux seemed distant from Steela and began to look through the crowd for Ahsoka.

One rebel named Sazze who had supported Steela a lot throughout her ideas suddenly spoke up. "The people need a voice to rally behind. They trust you Steela, you should lead us. All in favour of Steela being our leader, raise your hands." Rebels all around the compound started to raise their hands including Lux and the results were clearly unanimous. Steela was their new leader.

Saw had removed his hands from her shoulders and sighed. "The people have decided. You're the leader." He then started to walk away as his eyes clouded over.

Steela seemed to notice the change in her brother's eyes and began to follow him. "Saw..." She began.

Lux gently tugged at her sleeve. "Let him go." He tried to pull her back to the group but she broke free.

"I can't." Then she went towards the doorway, away from her rebel followers.

Ahsoka was stood in the doorway and had let Saw through although the Togruta folded her arms and raised her eyebrows at this statement. "Why not?" She asked coldly although she did hope it was because Steela harboured romantic feelings for Saw and therefore would leave Lux and her alone.

"He's my brother." Steela replied before running off after him. 'Well,' Ahsoka thought. 'That plan is out the window. Still, I hope she realises it for herself.'


Steela and Saw didn't return for a while but that wasn't Ahsoka's problem. After they had left, the celebrations had started to end and the news Obi-wan had given her began to sink in. She was leaving Onderon, leaving Lux. They hadn't even freed the planet yet! Ahsoka knew this wasn't right but she had been pushing the boundaries a lot over the past year. A year. That was how long she'd known Lux. So much had changed, happened and been discovered that the time seemed to have flown by. Crazy.

Right now, Ahsoka was sat on one of the tamer Ruplings and bathing in the early morning Sun. Anakin was up and preparing to tell the rebels about their success and their departure. Obi-wan and Rex were packing away most of the equipment before the rebels woke up. This was at four in the morning and they didn't start to wake until six. They had time. Ahsoka was meant to be helping them but her annoyance at having to leave Lux and Onderon in general was causing her to be unhelpful. Much to her Master's wearing patience.

A sudden sound caused the teenage Togruta to jump but she quickly felt a soothing presence through the Force and calmed down. Lux. "Hey 'Soka, didn't expect to see you up so soon. Are you okay?" He climbed onto the Rupling beside her with a gentleness and treats to sooth the creature. Ahsoka couldn't help but notice that her friend was wearing a tight fitting grey vest that highlighted his muscles. They weren't stupidly obvious or bulging to the point of ridiculous. His chest was alive. Soft, smooth and fleshy. Running her fingers across it, Ahsoka silently counted all the times they dipped and rose with his heartbeat, feeling it beat to an unknown rhythm. "Ahsoka?" Lux gently prompted her, slightly confused by her behaviour.

She seemed to snap out of her trance and pull away suddenly. "Sorry." Ahsoka muttered, blushing like mad. Lux just laughed to make her feel less awkward. "I'm fine thank you, just had some training to do. However I didn't think I would be seeing you at four'o'clock in the morning. What stirred you?" She lent against him and continued to explore him with her fingers while also paying attention to what he was saying.

Lux didn't reply right away and when Ahsoka looked up she could see that he was distracted. "Lux, what is it?" She sat up straighter and began to look at where Lux was looking. She could see nothing but something had spooked Lux and, Ahsoka realised, the Ruplings. "Lux?"

Suddenly, he grabbed her hand and swung then both over both sides of the flapping creature. "Hold on, we're going for a fly!" Then the Rupling took off at high speed with both people clinging to it for dear life.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter, numero cuatro in the daily update streak. It was a slight cliffhanger I thought. I'll try and keep the streak up so I'll update again tomorrow. For now, adiós.

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