Chapter 21: Questions, no Answers

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Yay! Onderon- A Luxsoka Fanfic has reached over 300 reads! Thank you to all of my readers who have helped it reach this far. I hope we reach 400 reads soon. For now, on with the story!

Ahsoka walked down the Senate corridors, intently searching for the familiar face of Lux. She had left her Master after bearing him in one match and drawing with him in another. Now she wanted to fund Lux to see if he knew anything about Clovis. Ahsoka turned a corner and ended up bumping into a middle-age man who she wasn't familiar with. "Sorry." She muttered at him as she stepped out of the way.

"It's okay." He consoled her before they both went back on their way. Ahsoka turned back to watch him disappear around the corner, the Force feeling conflicted and confused around him.

Ignoring the strange sense, Ahsoka continued to look for Lux as she came closer to his office. She could hear someone in his office so she knocked on the door. "Come in!" He called as Ahsoka opened the door. "'Soka! It's nice to see you again! How are you?" Lux wrapped his arms around her in a hug, kissing the top of her head.

Ahsoka laughed as she returned the gestures, feeling happy to be in his arms once more. "I'm fine thank you but I'm actually rather worried about my Master. He and Senator Amidala may have had a fight or something over someone named Clovis and it's really knocked him off his feet. He's not acting like himself." Lux was surprised to hear Clovis's name again so soon after the meeting but Chuchi had mentioned something about a Jedi and if Padme was involved then it was more than likely that General Skywalker was that particular one. "... I figured that if Padme had something to do with it than Clovis was probably a political person who you may know. Do you know anyone named Clovis?" Ahsoka had carried ok talking whilst Lux was lost in thought but he'd tuned in to her voice with enough time to formulate an answer to her question.

He couldn't keep the slight smile off his face. "Actually that meeting I was in a rush to get to was all about Clovis. He's been heavily involved in the banks on Scipio for some reason and the meeting was the Senate deciding on whether or not we would allow him to be in control of the banks. By a close majority he won. The Chancellor seems to like him." Lux knew that Ahsoka's Master was something of a drama queen but he would never say that aloud to anyone. The point was that he may be exaggerating and causing Ahsoka to worry for no good reason.

Ahsoka shook her head. "I don't take much in store with the Chancellor and if I do, it's with a pinch of salt. He may be very interested in Anakin but the Force is particularly clouded for him, I don't trust that. How did you come to know all this about Clovis? Did Padme tell you?" Any information she could obtain would be useful at the moment although her reasoning was a mystery even to her.

Lux thought for a moment. "Not his past, I learnt that from Senator Chuchi; she's really nice and I didn't realised that the two of you were friends. Anyway afterwards Padme did mention that they were old friends. He certainly seemed interested in her, perhaps more than a friend. However she didn't seem uncomfortable by it. 'Soka, you okay?" The mention of Chuchi talking to Lux and being close to him had stirred something inside Ahsoka, a similar rage to what she felt before Steela died. It was ridiculous of course as Lux hasn't mentioned being particularly close to Chuchi, only that they were friends and she was nice. Anyone could have known that. Yet the darkness inside her latched onto that shred of doubt and fiddled with it until Ahsoka could imagine nothing else. Still, Lux could never know of how she felt, he would think she was over-possessive and crazy jealous, not good.

She dispelled the nasty thoughts from her head and smiled brightly at him. "Yeah, I'm fine. Do you think that Clovis is bad?" Lux shook his head although there was hesitation there. Ahsoka could guess why, it wasn't rocket science. Her comnlink beeped and Ahsoka answered it. "Padawan Tano, reporting."

The voice on the other end was rough, nervous and very familiar. "Commander, are you okay?" It was Rex.

"Yeah, yeah, Rex I'm okay. Are you? You sound rough." Ahsoka was starting to get a little worried.

Rex was still in good enough humour to laugh. "Don't worry kid, I'm good. It's the General I'm calling about. He's gone strange." Ahsoka was on full-alert panic mode now. What did Rex mean? Her Master went strange? He'd have to break it down.

"Wait, wait, wait! What? Is he okay? What do you mean he's gone strange? Is he ill?" If it was an illness then it could probably be treated. Deep down though Ahsoka knew that it wasn't something so simple and she had another sneaking suspicion that the situation with Padme could be to blame.

She could hear Rex sigh on the other end. "It's hard to explain. He's acting like himself but not himself. Like a key part of him is missing. I think it's best if you come and see for yourself. We're on Level 15, Section B. Do you need me to call a speeder for you?" Ahsoka looked over at Lux who had grabbed a pair of keys from his desk at the question.

"No that's okay Rex, I have a ride. See you very soon." She hung up and immediately ran towards the door with Lux behind her. "You don't have to take me, I don't want to be a burden." She told him quietly.

Lux was having none of it. "Ahsoka yours Master has gone off the rails, Padme seems to be flying from one place to another yet stuck in her head, you are emotional and not thinking straight. There is no way in the galaxy I'm letting go to the lower levels of Coruscant to check up on your Master by yourself while I sit here doing paperwork. And you will never, ever, be a burden to me. Understood?" He rested his hands on her shoulders and gave her a kiss once she nodded. "Then let's go!" Together, the pair ran out of the Senate building towards a speeder parked nearby which Ahsoka recognised as Lux's as it had the Bonteri crest on it. Then they were off!

I hope you enjoyed this daily update chapter. I wonder what happened with Anakin? Does it have anything to do with Padme and Clovis? I guess you will find out on the next chapter. I will update again tomorrow. Bye, bye.

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