Chapter 19: Quarters

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In the end, Ahsoka decided to go back to the Jedi Temple as her mission as protector of the Senators for today was over. She would then report to her Master about everything except the kissing in Lux's office. Then, Ahsoka would wait for the meeting to be over before going to spend more time with Lux. A good plan.

Ahsoka found her Master in his own quarters which was a nice change for the both of them. Despite him bring her Master, Anakin was rarely ever needing her to come to him and if he did, he was never in his room. Of course, Ahsoka had been there before in short meetings but it did always feel strange as Anakin was often the one going to her quarters instead. "Master? I've finished my mission." Ahsoka stood at the doorway to his quarters while Anakin was sat on a pile of crates filled with spare parts. He shrugged which caused Ahsoka to be surprised by her Master's casual behaviour. Something was wrong. "Master? Are you okay?" She asked as she stepped closer to him.

Anakin swung his legs over the crates so he was sat up. Anger radiated off of him yet Ahsoka couldn't sense that it was directed at her. "Fine. How was Padme?" He asked this with a low growl that reminded Ahsoka of the Apex predator on Shili known as the Akul.

Ahsoka decided to ignore his anger until it became a proper problem. "She was fine thank you, although she was a little bit stressed over an important meeting that is happening... About now at the Senate. Why?" She watched as this report only seemed to anger her Master further as he stood up and began to pace around the room. He appeared to be in his own little world as she didn't seem to leave any lasting or obvious presence on him.

The pacing increased until the point Ahsoka could see the tracks he had worn into the carpet. Despite her Master beginning to mutter and be in some sort of obvious distress, she felt no urge to invade his privacy and listen to what he was saying. That sweet notion didn't seem to reach her Togrutan monstrals as they began to pick up with perfect volume what he was saying.

"So she isn't even upset. Just stressed about some silly political meeting. Great, just great. It's your own fault Anakin: 'Duty comes first, especially in war time.' What was I thinking? Of course she knows that and you she knows that but you've come off as the self-absorbed villain in their precious little LOVE STORY!" This last statement was punctuated with a loud and heavy punch to the wall which caused Ahsoka to jump even if she didn't say anything. The young Togruta was trying to decide when would be a good time to intervene but he continued to pace and mutter before she could gather her thoughts. "I bet Clovis understands, stupid money-making scum! The shoulder she needs to cry on and relate to while I'm here trying to put the pieces back together. She's not even making an effort! I'm the one stuck here babysitting the stupid Younglings and following the stupid Council's orders to the letter. Clovis doesn't have any ridiculous rules to follow, he can do whatever he wants and doesn't have to face the consequences of his actions that the people left behind have to clean up. Well I'm going to make sure he knows the consequences of messing with me!" This threat was declared with such a ferocity and hatred that it was this final sentence that scared Ahsoka into intervening. Her Master may be a bit extreme but he was rarely ever threatening off the battlefield.

Whoever this Clovis person was he was clearly someone who had caused great distress in her Master. That automatically placed them in her bad books. Ahsoka may not be as threatening as her Master but she would make sure that this person wouldn't be so stupid as to annoy a Jedi any time soon. If Padme was involved then it was clear that Clovis was also a political person. Ahsoka wondered if Lux knew who he was and therefore would be able to provide some much needed information on him. Still, she needed to intervene, NOW! "Master! Calm down! What's wrong?" Ahsoka went to hug him and wrapped her arms around him, looking up at his wild, angry eyes.

Anakin seemed to notice the worry and slight fear in his Padawan's eyes. That calmed him down as the last thing Anakin wanted to do was scare Ahsoka. Sighing, he relaxed his muscles and sat down on his bed, snuggling into her. "I'm sorry, I'm okay just not brilliant. Senator Rush Clovis is an old friend of Senator Amidala and I merely worry that she is vulnerable to her emotions." Anakin threw himself across the bed and bought Ahsoka with him as she shrieked. He watched her squirm for a few moments before releasing her. "Snips?" She looked up at him, still smiling. "Promise me that you will never, ever, let anyone dictate your heart. Understood? It hurts more than you think." Ahsoka didn't bother to remind him that Jedi were forbidden from forming attachments that would cause someone's heart to be dictated as she understood the message behind his words.

She laid on top of him with a grin. "I promise Master. Honest." Anakin grinned back at her and rubbed her hair.

"That's what I like to hear. Now, all this emotional talk is causing my mechanical arm to tear up. Let's go do some training. But don't worry, I will go easy on you." He started to laugh as the pair sat up and began to walk towards the training.

The Togruta glared at her Master but started to smirk when a comeback lit up her brain. "I'm not Obi-wan Skyguy, you sure I don't need to say that to you?" Then she took off sprinting down the corridor, leaving her speechless Master behind.

Ahsoka meant what she said and was determined to keep that promise... When she said it.

I know that the episodes with Rush Clovis are in Season 6, not in Season 5 like this story is set however they seem to make a better progression to the story than the arc about Gregor, R2 and the other droids. I'm sorry if this switch is unpleasant for anyone. Still, I hope you enjoyed this chapter and I'll be back to daily updating tomorrow. I'm also sorry that this update is a day later than I said it would be but I have a good reason: I wrote a wonderful version of this chapter yesterday however I made a stupid mistake and all the 1225 words I had wrote for this chapter were deleted. Also, I'm sorry for the really long Author's note. Never mind, it's up now. Bye, bye.

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