Chapter 20: An Old Friend

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Lux arrived at the important meeting a good quarter of an hour late however it hadn't begun as they were all still waiting for the key Senator of this meeting to arrive. Senator Chuchi was sat in her pod just right of him so they were close enough to have an easy conversation before the meeting began. "Senator Bonteri, I would've thought for your first meeting that you would want to be on time, early even." There was kindness and laughter in her voice which helped to comfort Lux. He hoped to make as many friends as quickly as possible in the Senate and Senator Chuchi seemed like a good person to start with if you discount Padme.

He bowed his head rather apologetically as he nodded to the corridor behind him. "I lost track of time plus all these winding corridors can easily cause one to become lost. Have I missed anything important?" Chuchi shook her head which caused his spirits to rise. That would not be good.

"What kind of state is Onderon in at the moment? I can only imagine the chaos and paperwork after a rebellion to reinstall the real King on the throne. Pantora was in a similar state after the Trade Federation decided to form a blockade around our planet. I assume your people are slightly worse?" Lux was surprised to learn of Pantora's troubles from their Senator despite not knowing her very well or for very long. He decided that maybe people in the Republic just made friends easily and felt trusting enough with one another to share. The Separatists weren't that open and instead you were lucky to ever get proper conformation of what planet they represented they were all so closed off. "Apologies, you don't have to divulge if you would rather not." Lux realised he'd been rather mute in his response for a while, lost in his own thoughts.

He was quick to rectify the situation. "No, no, it's okay. I was just surprised to learn that about Pantora. Forgive me but I'm afraid I have to admit I don't know much about it." Chuchi smiled at him which made Lux think that maybe sharing with people you didn't know greatly wasn't so bad after all.

She looked as though she was going to say something else and continue their conversation but both of them became distracted by the sound of another person's voice coming in from the right of Lux. "... And that is why it is imperative that the banks are put under secure control." The speaker was a Scipian Male who Lux didn't yet know and was quietly, quickly and passionately talking to Padme.

She nodded as they both came into view in her pod. "I agree Clovis, if the banks fell then the rest of the galaxy would suffer terribly. I know that you will be the perfect fit for keeping the banks neutral. It's great that the Separatists are already backing your cause, now all we need to do are convince the Senators in here. I have a bad feeling about this that it won't be easy." She too was talking low to this man supposedly known as Clovis.

Lux knew no one called Clovis but by the look on Chuchi's face, she knew well who he was. Gesturing so as to not alert the older politicians that they were eavesdropping, he asked Chuchi who Clovis was. She frowned at the man before turning to Lux. She pointed to the Banking Clan official sat on the left of Senator Taa who was sat on top of Senator Organa whom Senator Chuchi was beneath. Pod wise.

Lux nodded. So this Clovis was to do with the banks. Lux had already guessed that to a degree. Then she pointed to the Trade Federation minister Nute Gunray who looked as sour and as dull as ever. Lux nodded, not sure where this was going. Then she mimed 'Gunray' and 'Clovis' discussing something while 'Padme' listened without their knowledge. Next, a 'Jedi' appeared after 'Padme' had drunk something which had caused her to be ill. 'Clovis' then confronted 'Gunray' who handed 'Padme' a vial which saved her. Chuchi then finished her miming and bowed as though she had completed a perfect dramatic performance. Lux was just confused by her performance. "What the hell did that mean?"

Chuchi looked surprised that he hadn't worked out what she meant. Sighing, she whispered to him. "Clovis worked with Gunray and Poggle the Lesser on Geonosis. Padme was instructed by the Jedi to spy on him and she ended up poisoned. She managed to get the information to the Jedi like she was told to but Clovis was left to fend for himself. I'm surprised that he decided to come here again."

"You couldn't have just said that?!" Lux hissed at her, forgetting that he wanted to try and make friends. Chuchi seemed slightly hurt by his tone but knew that she had taken his silence too far.

She huffed as the meeting started. "I'm sorry."


After the meeting, Clovis was voted as the leader of the banks by a close majority in the Senate. He was surprised that he had never heard of Clovis before, despite clearly being someone who was close to Padme. His Mother had never bought him up and Padme had never mentioned him although his younger memories of the Nabooian Senator were blurry at best. Catching up with his mentor, Lux went around a corner only to duck behind it again when he saw Clovis with her.

"Thank you, Padme. I couldn't have done this without you. Once I've settled into my new office, I'll invite you and the Separatist representative to Scipio to oversee the transactions. It's important that we show complete transparency and honesty to restore balance and stability to the banks." Lux could clearly see how much Padme meant to Clovis but something still felt wrong.

Padme was smiling yet Lux could see that it didn't quite reach her eyes. "Of course Clovis, I look forward to seeing you again soon." She hugged him but it was a very short hug. The two Senators went their separate ways as Lux jogged to catch up with his friend.

"Hello Padme, how are you?" Lux asked her with as much nonchalance and confidence that he could muster.

She jumped as though she was lost in a lot of thought. "Oh hello Lux, I'm fine thank you. Just thinking. How are you?" Padme smiled at him although Lux could see that she was very distracted.

"I'm fine as well, thank you. Who were you talking to?" Of course Lux knew who it was yet he wanted to be sure.

Padme seemed lost once more but something in his question pulled her back to reality. "That was Rush Clovis. He is the new leader of the banks on Scipio. He's an old friend. Excuse me Lux, I've got some work to do." Padme hurried away while Lux was left standing there, very curious. Very curious indeed.

I hope you enjoyed this daily update chapter. This showed you Lux's and the rest of the Senator's point of view on Clovis whereas the last chapter presented Ahsoka's and Anakin's. I'll update again tomorrow most likely. Bye, bye.

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