Chapter 33: Expelled

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Ahsoka laid on a cream coloured sofa wrapped in a tartan blanket and a warm flannel on her forehead. The room felt familiar to her but every bone in her body ached so that she couldn't even sit up. "I think she's waking up!" An excited whisper awakened her more and she turned slightly to see four extremely concerned and nervous faces staring intently at her. Anakin, Padme, Rex and Obi-wan. Her best friends. Although she was surprised that Lux and Barriss weren't here.

Padme was the first to speak after hushing an overexcited Anakin. "Ahsoka, how do you feel? Are you okay?" She enveloped Ahsoka in a sense of maternal love that brought tears to the young girl's eyes. She'd been a flipping fugitive for the last few days, accused of murder. Yet no one but these people seemed to care that she was only sixteen. Again this caused her to wonder where Lux was at this point. Maybe he was out gathering supplies to help her recover?

Padme looked at Ahsoka and felt a rush of anger towards herself and fellow politicians that they were do hubristic that a teenager had to go and fight a war for them. When she was her age, despite becoming Queen at the same age Ahsoka had been when starting the war, Padme had been ending her first term as Nabooian Queen and preparing to be elected for her second. Nothing had ever been as challenging as what Ahsoka had already been through.

Anakin had been learning faster and growing ever more powerful as Obi-wan's Padawan at sixteen. He'd gone on many missions across the galaxy and had discovered new skills and met many new people. Although this had only been a few years before the war and political tensions had been rising, Anakin had been free to be a true Jedi without pressure from the war.

Obi-wan too had merely been a Padawan at sixteen when he and his Master Qui-Gon had returned from Mandalore a year ago. Tormented with possible outcomes as to what could've happened if he'd stayed with Satine, a young Obi-wan had grown distant from his Master and questioned the Jedi's values. After talking with his Master, he had understood further about the Code and promised to be the best Jedi ever.

Technically, Rex was only twelve however he felt much older due to his experience and growth acceleration chip. While the concept of ages and aging was somewhat strange to the clone captain, he remembered being a young cadet on Kamino. They had always been preparing for war yet being thrown into it like Ahsoka had was unimaginable to Rex. What she had already been through was impossible for them to try to understand.

Anakin moved next to his wife and stroked his Padawan's arm. She smiled at him and laced their fingers together. "Hey Snips, don't worry, you'll be okay." Ahsoka nodded slightly as she trusted him completely and smiled at Rex and Obi-wan behind them.

Obi-wan's comnlink bleeped and he turned away to answer it. Rex took his place beside Anakin and grinned at the Togruta. "You gave us quite the scare kid, you sure you're alright?" She looked at the faces of her fellow soldier, Master and friend and suddenly couldn't hold back the tears anymore. This was not fair.

The three of them immediately reacted and started to cuddle her tightly as Obi-wan came back over and knelt beside Padme. He stroked her lekku while Ahsoka continued to sob. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean for anything like this to happen. I just wanted to find out who was behind this. I didn't want to hurt anyone." Her tears continued to fall as her loved ones surrounded her.

Anakin pulled her upwards and wrapped her tightly into a hug while Padme got some tissues for her. "I know Snips, we all know. Ahsoka," He looked her dead in the eye. "You are not responsible for what happened, someone is framing you and we will find them." Anakin looked over at his old Master. "What was the comn about?"

Obi-wan suddenly looked extremely uncomfortable. "The Jedi Council has ordered a meeting- at the Intervention Chamber. They have asked for me to attend and for Ahsoka and yourself to be there." There was a grave ness in his voice that frightened Ahsoka even more.

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