Chapter 22: Sibling Trauma

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Ahsoka and Lux had flown incredibly fast down to Level 15, Section B of Coruscant despite the speed limit not allowing them to go that fast. She was surprised by how well Lux managed to navigate the underworld of Coruscant despite never really being here before. She would be right by saying that Lux physically had never been here before but the Onderonian Senator was very familiar with Level 15 of Coruscant. It was where his sister died. He'd spent a long time after her death analysing her last location, trying to pinpoint exactly where her life ended. Lux couldn't remember why he had been so obsessed but he thought a part of him hoped that if he knew the exact location then, as Senator, he could remove it. It had been a foolish idea driven by grief but right now Lux was glad to have that prior knowledge that allowed him to be there for Ahsoka in her time of need. The last thing either of them both needed was a sibling loss connected to this place.

Ahsoka had her arms around Lux's waist, resting her head between his shoulder blades and looking down at the many people from all across the galaxy going about their normal lives. These people didn't know her Master had lost the plot or that she was even a Jedi yet they had their ups and downs that she would never know of either. Ahsoka often liked to centre herself this way, putting her life in the perspective of other people's lives. It made her problems seem smaller and more manageable this way. A small flashlight caught her attention and focusing on it, Ahsoka realised it was the side light from Rex's helmet, directing her to her Master. "Lux?" She called, about to point out the light.

"Don't worry, I see it." He replied, turning the speeder right at a sharp angle and landing pretty neatly by the Clone Captain.

"Rex!" Ahsoka hugged her friend as she climbed off the speeder and towards her friend. "Where is he? Is he okay?" Her eyes were wide and Lux could see the glimmer of tears behind them.

If Rex saw them too, he did a good job of consoling and reassuring her. "General Skywalker is in this warehouse, playing Sabacc with Fives and Jesse. Kix has run some tests and we've determined that he isn't suffering from a physical aliment. Actually, at first you may not realised something is wrong but when you talk to him I think you'll notice." At this point he turned away from Ahsoka and towards Lux who looked very concerned at his friend. "Do you want to stay, boy?" Lux looked unsure and turned to Ahsoka to gauge her need.

She shook her head and Lux understood. This was a Jedi/war thing, not a prophecy/adventure thing. Ahsoka would be fine here with her fellow fighters and Master while Lux would return when things had sorted themselves out. "I think I'll just go check out some of these shops up a few levels. Ahsoka can contact me when she's ready to leave." Rex nodded and gave the young Senator a salute as he flew off.

This confused Lux as it was a gesture he'd seen his Father do so many times at him, his Mother, sister and fellow soldiers yet Lux hadn't thought about it much. Now he was on the planet where his sister died, in love with the enemy of his Mother and earning the respect of a clone who was brothers with the people who had killed his Father. He couldn't have thought of this a year ago before he met Ahsoka. He hadn't been lying when he told Rex he was going to look at the shops around the nearby levels. These may have been the last shops his sister had ever been in and maybe they still remembered her. It would be nice to hear another person's opinion of his sister who wasn't their family. He didn't doubt that the response would be positive though as Melissa was one of those people who everyone loved and felt better for knowing her. It suddenly struck Lux how much he missed his sister and the young boy had to pull over for fear of crashing through tears. That was the last thing anyone needed today.


Rex led Ahsoka inside the warehouse where a lamp was lighting up a small table where her Master, Fives and Jesse were playing Sabacc as Rex told her. Kix was sat in a corner hunched over a holo-pad, presumably checking the results. "Kix! What do the results look like? Can I see them?" Ahsoka raced over to where the medic was sitting before yanking the holo-pad out of his hands and checking herself. "Temperature normal, blood pressure... Heart rate... Yeah okay." Ahsoka turned back to his with a slightly confused smile. "Everything seems fine. What gave something away that he wasn't right?" Kix nodded his head at her statement but sighed at her question.

"He's just off, Commander. Like Captain Rex said, it's difficult to explain." He looked over to Rex who took over the questions.

He took Ahsoka's hand and lead her over to the table where Fives and Jesse gave her a respectful nod before making room for her. "The General was coming into the barracks to check up on us when he got this really bad headache. He then became petrified and took a speeder at lightning speed over to a flat block over the other side. He returned with a broken expression and beaten up face but he assured us that the others were worse. General Skywalker informed us then that he wished to go for a drink and invited us along. We could see that something was wrong so cautiously we followed. He didn't want to spend time at the bars or other establishments around here so when we saw this abandoned warehouse, we brought him inside to monitor the situation. A few minutes ago before I called you he started to have these really powerful headaches again and began to cry out for people. We didn't know what to do so we called you hoping you might be able to help as it seems as though it's a Jedi thing." Rex stood rigidly beside her although anyone could see the concern in the lines between his eyes.

Ahsoka patted him on the arms. "You did the right thing Rex. I'll take it from here. It might help if it's just us though." The clones nodded, understands Ng as they went outside and waited. "Hey Skyguy, you okay?" She moved closer to him while he continued to study his cards, seemingly unaware of her presence or the clones leaving. "Do you want to talk about it?"

Suddenly he snapped! "He was going to hurt her! It wasn't my fault, I saw red! I won't lose another person because I wasn't fast enough or string enough! I am not the villain here. Doesn't she know how much I'm risking to be with her? 'Cause if she does then she has a funny way of showing her appreciation." His turned to her and Ahsoka could see the rage and hurt blazing behind them. He was in utter turmoil and Ahsoka didn't know what to do.

So she did the only thing she could think of: Cuddle him. Wrapping her arms around his waist and resting her head on his shoulder, Ahsoka began to sing an old Togrutan lullaby that he'd learned to help calm her down or cheer her up. "Lasă întunericul să vină, lasă-l să plece. Să vină lumina, să curgă. Lăsați binele să iasă, păstrați răul înăuntru. La sfârșitul zilei, suntem doar tu și eu." She reached up to start stroking his hair as reality started to return. Ahsoka repeated the lullaby as many times as necessary until her Master had fully returned to her from the edge of insanity. "Hey Master, how do you feel?"

Anakin turned to her and his humanity fully reappeared as he returned her cuddle. "I'm better now Snips, thanks. How are you? Are you okay?" He immediately began to check her as Worried Master Skywalker came into light.

Ahsoka couldn't help but laugh at his behaviour: He'd just gone loopy and now was starting to be okay again but he was more concerned over his friends and loved ones. What always surprised people about him was how kind he was, he would always look after his friends until the end. "I'm okay Master and I'm glad you're feeling better. Although I do have to ask, who caused this?" It was a question that had been bugging her for a while despite having her suspicions.

The hatred flared in his eyes once more and Ahsoka wished she hadn't asked. He was silent for a long time and she'd given up hope of getting an answer. Finally he turned to her and said one word. "Clovis."

I hope you enjoyed this daily update chapter as well. I liked writing how Lux felt about everything in relation to his family and Ahsoka and Anakin's lullaby. I'll update again tomorrow so adiós.

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