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Enemies to lovers.
It's been nearly over a month since Win and Bright said they love each other. Win got his wish and got Bright to be his and only his. The two still bicker sometimes but it's not extra. I guess all that hating turned into love.

Win was at his apartment packing his things because he is moving out today to live with Bright at his apartment. The two arranged something together and Win will help pay his part of the rent.

"Are you sure you don't need any help moving into your new place?" Nani asked him.

"That won't be necessary." Win assured him.

"It's just....you're leaving so sudden and I didn't get time to prepare a proper goodbye for you. I have an extra room. What am I gonna do?" Nani asked him. He's feeling bummed that his best friend is leaving him.

Nani still doesn't know Win is gay and that he has a boyfriend but since he is moving now and doesn't have to worry about making him feel uncomfortable, he is finally gonna tell him.

"Nani can I tell you something?" Win started off asking.

"Sure, what is it?"

"To tell you the truth.....I'm gay and the reason why I am moving out is to live with my boyfriend. I'm sorry that I kept it a secret and I know I lied to you but I didn't want to make you feel uncomfort-"

"Is your boyfriend that hot guy that is always parked in that BMW you've been hoping into every morning?" Nani cut him off and asked him.

Win was shocked.

"How did you-"

"I watched you leave in a rush every morning when you go to work and I kind of already have a hunch that you were into men. I never ever seen you talk or bring a girl home. Expect for Love of course but I know you two are just friends." Nani admitted and Win still doesn't know what to say.

"So you-"

"And Win you will never make me uncomfortable. I don't care if you like men or not. You're still my best friend. Just promise me you will come over and hang with me every once in awhile." Nani said and Win nodded.

He is just happy that his friend accepts him for who he is. Another reason why he loves Nani so much.

"Are you absolutely sure you are not mad that I didn't tell you?" Win asked him.

"The only thing that I am upset with is that you are leaving me alone here. Seriously I will be home by myself and I wouldn't have you make me those....delicious fried chicken." Nani said as he pouts.

"Sorry but I promise to come over and make it for you whenever you need it." Win said and Nani nodded and stop pouring.

He agrees to that.

"Now get out of here. I bet your boyfriend is downstairs waiting for you right now. You don't want to keep him waiting." Nani says and Win almost forgot.

He laughed and grabbed his suit case off the bed.

"Bye." Win waved as he exited the apartment.

Win walked down the steps but his clumsy self managed to skip a step and almost trip but luckily Bright catch his bunny in time.

Loving my EnemyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora