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Jealousy at the club.
Win wanted to get out. He wanted to drink all his pain and sorrow's away. Forget about Bright completely and his feelings he had for him. Maybe it was for the best to call off their time together. Win was with his friends tonight and they are planning to get drunk.

That's all Win could do now.

Suddenly a guy came over to Win near the back of the club at the chill area where everyone sits and drink with their friends. He looked handsome Win thought. He was checking out the guy will his half blurry vision; Win was already intoxicated because he has had a couple of drinks already.

"Hey, you look good tonight. Can I drink with you?" The handsome guy asked him and Win nodded instantaneously.

Win brought his glass up.

"Cheers." Win said and the guy connected his glass to Win's and they both drank at the same time.

The distraction was working and Win finally felt like he is forgetting about Bright. Each glass he drank out of was taking all his pains away and this new guy was also helping him as well.

"So are you single?" The handsome guy suddenly wrap his arm around Win's shoulder. He was being sly about it.

"Depends. I'm not really available guy. A lot of people are lined up and waiting for me." Win said confidently. It's the alcohol talking and it's making him say things like this.

He doesn't really have anyone lining up to date him. He just didn't want to seem available to this fella. Win isn't that easy.

"Well how many people do I have to go through to make you mine?" The handsome guy asked. He himself was being confident and Win noticed.

"I don't know. Maybe..... you can take care of me tonight." Win whispered that last part in his ear. The handsome guy smirked at the lad.

"I would love to take care of you sexy." He looked at Win up and down. He was checking him out and he liked what he sees.

"My name is Alex. What's yours?" The handsome guy asked Win.


"Cute name for a cute boy like you." Alex said as he took a sip out of his glass.

The cold breeze blew inside of the club; Win felt a shiver going down his spine just a little. He looked over at the crowed people and saw Bright walking in with a leather black jacket on. He headed straight to the bar and sat down.

Win for sure knows it's Bright. Even his intoxicated self is aware of his presence. Win gulped and started to panic a little. He didn't expect to see Bright coming tonight.

"Are you okay? You seem tensed all of a sudden?" Alex asked Win.

"Huh? Oh I'm fine." Win reassure him but he's not.

Win is not fine; in fact, he's is feeling uneasy about this. Bright ordered his drink which was a whiskey and as he turned around and looked at the club, he saw his bunny again. Win and Bright exchange long stares from afar. Bright was shocked to see Win and him too was surprised to see Win here tonight.

Whats worse was he saw Win with another guy. A pretty hot guy Bright thought to himself. Win was moving faster then Bright thought. Another man was already trying to take claim and it made Bright's blood boil; he was fuming with jealousy.

Bright took his whiskey glass and drank it all in one gulp. He sort of slam the glass down and whipped the remain alcohol off the crook of his lips. He stood up and walked towards the dance floor. If Win wants to play it like that, then Bright can too.

Bright looked around the club and found a pretty hot girl on the dance floor. She was swaying her hips freely as she was feeling the music. Bright was feeling her energy and he wanted to join her. He smoothly wrapped his arms around her waist and started to dance with her.

The girl noticed her unexpected dance partner and she was glad of the invention; it's better to dance with someone then alone. Bright was staring down at Win as he let the girl grind on him. Win didn't know how to react but he was feeling hurt by this but Bright took it a step further. He spin the girl around to make her look at him and the girl was surprised to see she was dancing with a hot guy.

She was blushing really hard.

"Can I kiss you?" Bright asked her and the girl nodded without question.

Bright leaned down and kissed the girl on the lips. Win quickly grabbed his glass of alcohol as he gulped it down fast and hard.

"Slow down baby." Alex told Win as he noticed him just drinking the alcohol so fast.

"You wanna dance?" Win suddenly asked him.

He didn't even give Alex anytime to respond. He just grabbed him by the arm and pulled him to the dance floor. They were near Bright and the girl and Win saw Bright still making out with her; kissing her like they were the only two on the planet.

Alex and Win started dancing with each other and they were super close. Bright stopped kissing the girl and saw Win dancing happily with another guy. Win put his hands around Alex's neck; he was about to lean in and kiss him but Bright pulled Win away before their lips could connect.

"You're done for tonight." Bright stated and he dragged Win out of the club so now the two men were outside.

"Let go Bright." Win tried to struggle out of his grip but Bright held tighter.

"What do you think you're doing?" Bright asked him seriously.

"I....was having fun." Win told him

"We're you really gonna kiss him?" Bright questioned him angrily.

"Why shouldn't I?! You hate me anyway so why can't I kiss him?!" Win suddenly exploded at Bright.

"Because you're mine!" Bright shouted out; Win was stunned. He couldn't even process to speak.

Bright walked up closer to him and pulled him against a near by wall. He placed his hands on his cheeks to make Win stare at him longer.

"You've always been mine. I never want to see you kiss any other man. Ever!" Bright told him honestly.

"B-But you kissed her-"

"I didn't like it. I hated it. The only person I wanted to kiss tonight was you." Bright admitted and Win couldn't believe it.

A lot of questions were flooding through his mind right now. Was this a confession? Was Bright claiming that he wants to be with him and not just enemies with benefits? Bright let go of Win's face to now just resting his hands on the wall while still having his face locked on to Win's

"You broke rule 2. You deserve to be punished tonight Bunny. You've been a very bad boy." Bright caressed his finger on his lower chin. A smirk was uplifted on his face.

"P-Punish?" Win stuttered.

Bright quickly grabbed Win by the arm as he dragged him to his BMW. Bright is thirsty for his bunny and his bunny has broken one of his rules. Punishment is required and Win can't do a damn thing about it.

-Hey Guys👋🏽

Next chapter will definitely but intense and I think it might be the most dirtiest chapter I have ever written so be prepared. Also this book is ending a lot quicker. I couldn't come up with more ideas but don't worry, I have another story being written and I will soon release that.

See you in the next chapter❤️

Bye 😘

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