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Slut or Bunny?
It was Sunday and Win was preparing dinner for his roommate. Nani works on the weekends so Win is just being a considerate roommate to make sure he gets fed after work. It's currently 8:00pm and soon his roomie is arriving.

"I'm home!" Speak of his roomie, Nani announced as he placed his jacket on the rack by the door. His nose was instantly attacked by the aroma of the food the that Win prepared. "I smell fried chicken."Nani rushed to the kitchen and said.

"That's right. You're favorite." Win said with his happiest smile. He's happy that he is able to make this dish today for his best friend.

"What did I do to deserve this wonderful meal that you prepared?" Nani asked; he noticed Win is in a particular good mood.

"I'm just.....happy to be making this dinner for you. That's all." Win said to him. Nani just pushed out his lips and raised one eyebrow up; not believing Win is just in a 'Good Mood.'

"Come on you can tell me. Did something good happened today? Did you get a raise at your job? A new girlfriend?" Nani questioned him.

"No, nothing like that. Just wanted to treat you that's all." Win said and Nani just nodded and gave up.

No need to question the fella or try to push him to talk if he is not ready to speak about it yet. Nani knows Win will tell him eventually. They are best friends after all. Win placed Nani his dinner in front of him; he was amazed on how crispy and perfectly fried the chicken is. His mouth was already watery.

"I'll kindly accept this delicious meal Win." Nani said as he picked up a chicken leg and ate it.

Win's phone dinged as it distracted him from watching his friend devouring his dinner; he looked and saw it was a message from Bright.

Bright: I'm downstairs in front of your apartment complex. Meet me downstairs now or I'm coming up to drag you out.

Win read the message but he didn't believe Bright is that bold to actually drag him out of his apartment.

Win: You're bluffing.

Win replied.

Bright: You're apartment number is 302, right? I just saw your roommate walking in not that long ago.

Win was in shock; Bright knew his apartment number and what's worse was his roommate is home. Win doesn't want to take it to chance. He now knows Bright wasn't lying about being downstairs.

Bright: I'm coming up in 5, 4, 3, 2,

Win: Stop! I'm coming right now.

Win replied faster then he has ever typed in his life. Now he knows that Bright is not a bluffer but Win has to find an excuse to leave his apartment right now. He doesn't want to causes suspicion.

"Hey, Nani. You finish up and eat while I have to run out for awhile. I actually made plans with some...friends from high school tonight. Don't wait up for me, okay." Win said as he quickly grabbed his jacket and shoes.

"Okay, have fun." Nani said without a care. He is too distracted by his fried chicken to care.

Win knew that excused worked and he was happy that Nani is not questioning him any further about his whereabouts. Win quickly ran out of the apartment to spot Bright but he couldn't find him; he was starting to question was Bright trying to play him and trick him so he can come out.

Bright: I'm in the black BMW.

Win saw the text and he looked around for a black BMW vehicle. He finally spots it and walks towards it; Win hopped in the passenger seat as he saw Bright smirking at him.

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