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Sex at work.
Win had to rush home to his apartment because he was going to be late for work. He woke up next to Bright at the motel this morning and Bright had to drive back for half an hour. So because Win didn't come home last night, Win would have to face Nani once he gets there and he is definitely not ready for that.

Win pressed in the passcode to his apartment and softly opened the door; trying to not wake Nani up or make a sound. It backfired anyways once he saw Nani in the kitchen with a coffee mug in his hand.

"You're back. You must had a lot of fun last night." Nani said with a smirk on his face.

"Y-Yeah, I had a blast." Win nervously laughed.

"Don't you have work to get ready? You don't want to be late." Nani reminds him and Win panics.

"Yes, I have to get ready!" Win rushed to his bed room to take a shower and get dress for work.

Win was almost late to work but he clocked in just in time. His work place is pretty strict so lateness is not  tolerated. Win scurried to his little office space and begin to work. Win enjoyed his job very much and he wouldn't want to work anywhere else. He works at a Law Firm office; he's been working there for about almost a year now.

"Win, I need you to do these paper work for these cases." Air said as she flopped a stack of files onto Win's desk.

Win looked through the stack and saw it was a lot to handle.

"When do I have to finish Pi?" Win asked her carefully.

"I'll give you three days to finish. Send them to my office when you're done." Air said as she quickly left without letting Win asked her furthermore questions.

Win was a little bummed that he had to do all this work in a short amount of time but what can he do? It's his job. Another fact is Win has worked here for almost a year and he hasn't made not one friend from his job and it's not like he hasn't tried. No one is willing to open up to him.

It's also jealously because Win is very good at his job and the boss there treats him so much better than everyone else. He's practically the star employee there. Win doesn't try to be the best. He just is and a lot of his work colleagues gives him a hard time but he doesn't let that stop him from working.

But Win is determined to get all these stacks of cases done before it's due.

It was almost time for Win's lunch break. As soon as he got the work from Air, he's been working on it nonstop and he plans to work through it durning his lunch break. Win should stop and take a break; he shouldn't try to worn himself out too much.

Win heard his phone beeping as it distracted him for a brief moment. He looked at the message and saw it was Bright.

Bright- I'm outside your job bunny. Come out sexy.

The message replayed in Win's mind over and over again. Win would typically ignore this type of message but he remembered very clearly of the rules that Bright told him last night.

Rule 1, when I text you to meet me, you come right away.

If he breaks one of the rumes, Win will be punished by Bright and Win doesn't want that. Win stopped working and decided to go on his break. He needed to anyways because he's been working so hard all morning. Win went outside to find Bright's black BMW. Bright's car drive up to Win; he pulled his window down and smirked at the lad.

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