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Sex dream
Win went home after what he encountered with Bright this morning. He is still surprised that they slept together. Anger and confusion was clouding his mind; his unawareness was the cause of this horrible mistake. Thank god it was Saturday because otherwise, Win would have to go to work and he is not in his right mindset to work right now.

But Win doesn't live alone. He lives with his roommate Nani and sometimes his other friend Dew would come over to hangout with them. Win is gay and to keep the peace with his roommate and not cause him to be uncomfortable, he has to keep it a secret. Nani and Win lived together for two years and he hasn't found out yet.

Now with Gigi; Win knew Bright and Gigi dated but his intentions were not to steal his girlfriend. Gigi and Win met coincidently at the mall and they made a plan to catch up and have dinner. Gigi and Win knew each other since college. Bright, Win, and Gigi went to the same college together and everybody knew Bright and Gigi had some sort of feelings for each other but they never dated until after graduation.

She was a friend and never more to him. Win was never interested in dating girls. Not once not ever. You can say he was born gay; Win in middle school went to a all boys private school. Surrounded by the influence of others, he actually had his first boyfriend in middle school and lost his virginity. His first time wasn't bad and he realized he liked it.

He loved to have sex with men and only men. Win was a slight player back in middle school. He slept with any guy that offered and he did it without a second thought.

That was until he reached high school; Win realized he couldn't sleep with anyone anymore. He was in a all boys and girls environment now, so he couldn't sleep around there. Plus their wasn't a lot of gay men or a least the ones that weren't out of the closet. Win isn't ashamed of who is he but he doesn't want others to make it a big deal out of it or judge him so that's why he dates in private.

In high school he met the most annoying guy ever. The guy that everyone was in love with. Bright was the center of all the attention and with Win, he didn't think Bright was all that special. His looks was the only thing he had going for him but everything else was shit. With anything, guys who are super hot are self centered and ignorant Win thought.

Win vowed he would only love a man by their personality and not by first look impression.

So Win hates him; he hates Bright because everyone loves him. It's a silly reason but it's Win's reason. One time when Win first met Bright, he was headed to the cafeteria and Win was happy about the cafeteria menu that day; it was his favorite. Win waited a long time in line for his food but when he got it, Bright accidentally bumped into him and knocked over his food.

It was an accident; neither Win nor Bright were looking where they were going. Win was pissed and he was even more pissed that it was Bright. Bright apologized sincerely but Win lashed out at him and called him an asshole in front of everyone.

Since then it's been hell for the those two.

Win would purposely bump pass Bright's shoulder every time he saw him in the hallways. Talk bad about him to his classmates about how he has STD's and no girl should fuck him without a condom. Win would spread all types of rumors just try to humiliate him. Bright never tried to fight back through all those times Win did that to him and it sometimes got Win thinking why?

Win took two painkillers off his nightstand in his bedroom. Nani is not home; which means he is at work because Nani works on the weekends. Win sometimes catch up on dramas and prepares dinner on the weekends but today, he just wants to relax and get more rest. He's been through a lot.

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