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Missing daddy's cock
The weekend for Win came by so quick. After Win and Bright's last fuck, they haven't had sex for the rest of the week. Win was wondering why. Was Bright over with Win? Did he find a new girlfriend? Win could text Bright and ask him to come over to his apartment right now but he doesn't want to sound like a desperate slut that is craving for some dick.

But it's true. Win is craving for some dick. He misses his daddy's cock and what's worse, he misses Bright.

Bright is ruthless and cunning but Win saw his good sides. No matter how much Bright tries his hardest to be mean, he could never bully him hard enough. Win door knocked and he instantly got up from his bed and thought it was Bright. He fixed himself in the mirror really fast and opened his apartment door.

He found out it wasn't Bright and it was one of his good friend, Love.

Love is cute and sweet; Win loves her so much like a sister.

"Swasdee Kha!" Love said enthusiastically. Her bright smile is welcoming and Win noticed. He smiles at her back and welcomed her in.

"Hello Love. What brings you here?" Win asked her. Love looked around Win's apartment cautiously because she doesn't want to bump into a certain someone.

"I came....to see you and is..... you know here?" Love asked Win. She signals her head towards Nani's door and Win knew what she meant.

"Nani is not here. He's with Dew at his place." Win admitted and Love sighed of relief.

Nani is Love's ex boyfriend and every time she goes to Win's apartment, she tries to avoid him as much as possible. The break up was rough and it ended up Nani sleeping with another girl. He was drunk and he had no memory sleeping with another that night and when Love found out, she dumped him.

"When are you two gonna get along?" Win asked her.

"Never. Remember he cheated on me?" Love reminded Win. "Also I've been trying to get ahold of you but you've been busy." Love mentioned and Win sort of tenses up.

"I.... haven't been busy really. You could have come over anytime." Win told her. He really hasn't been busy for the whole week. Bright hasn't called or text him but he's been thinking nonstop about him.

Bright was constantly in his mind.

"Ooh I see. You have a new boyfriend!" Love said in a cherry voice. Win quickly covered his face with his hands to try to hide his blush.

"I don't have a boyfriend anymore, remember?" Win reminder her.

"Yeah yeah, I know you and Drake broke up but I can tell you found someone special. It's all over your face." Love teases and the blush on Win's face gets even more redder.

Oh how he wish Love can stop teasing him now.

"Okay to tell you the truth. I've been......seeing a certain hottie." Win brags a little and Love takes a seat to listen to the details.

"Tell me more." She gives her attention to Win.

"Well......we aren't really dating. We kind of just havo sex with each other. Like all the time. I'm the only man he sleeps with and he is so good in bed. I swear the sex is amazing." Win talks as he reminisces about Bright a little.

"Win are you sure that's what you want? A no strings attached sex relationship? I know how you're like. You should never let a guy just use you for your body." Love tells him and she is right. Win is the type of guy that likes to go all out into a relationship.

"You don't understand. It's not like I can ask him to be my boyfriend. He's.....actually an old enemy from school. We agreed to just be enemies with benefits." Win explained to her.

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