Chapter 33: Expelled

Start from the beginning

"What's the Intervention Chamber? I've never heard of it." Ahsoka asked her two Masters while they shared a worried look.

It was her own Master who provided her with the answer. "The Intervention Chamber is a place where the Jedi Council talk to a Jedi who have started to lose their way." Seeing the panicked look on Ahsoka's face, he was quick to correct himself. "I mean, we know you haven't so it can also be used to solve issues within the Order. I'm sure they just want to help you get your story heard." He smiled at her to try and instill confidence in her when he did not feel that confident. Master Mundi's words echoed in the back of his head and Anakin wondered if they would all be fair to his dear apprentice.

Ahsoka nodded as though this answer was acceptable and after thanking Padme and hugging Rex, the three Jedi left to go see the Council. Rex stayed behind to check on the Senator. "Are you okay, Ma'am?"

Padme nodded. "Yes, thank you Captain, I'm fine. Although if you're not overwhelmed with work would you mind looking into Lux Bonteri? He's a close friend of Ahsoka and I'm sure they would want to see each other, I only ask because it's been a few days since I last heard from him." It was certainly strange that he hadn't answer his hologram when she called Lux to inform him about Ahsoka.

Rex nodded as he gave her a salute. "I know you you're talking about, don't worry Senator, I'll make sure he's alright." They said goodbye as the clone returned to the barracks and the Senator went back to politics.

Ahsoka had already skipped ahead to the speeder so it gave the older Jedi time to check her condition whilst moving and discuss what they hadn't in front of Ahsoka. "The Jedi Council are under pressure Anakin. Admiral Tarkin has informed them that the Senate want to perform a trial on Ahsoka based on military bases. To do so would mean... Would mean expelling her from the Order." He turned to catch his friend as Anakin faltered in step.

Despite not wanting Ahsoka to hear Anakin struggled to keep his voice low enough so her super-sensitive monstrals didn't pick up what they were saying. "NO! THEY CANNOT TO THAT TO HER! SHE'S MY PADAWAN! I SHOULD GET TO HAVE A SAY IN WHAT HAPPENS TO HER! IF THEY EXPELL HER, PRECIOUS AHSOKA, THEN I SWEAR THEY ARE GOING TO HAVE TO DEAL WITH ME! OBI-WAN, TELL ME THAT THEY WON'T EXPELL HER!"

Obi-wan could hear the physical pain that such a thought brought his former Padawan. He too would be devastated and shaken if the Jedi Council expelled Ahsoka. She was innocent and they should stand by her. That was the Jedi way. Obi-wan would fight this decision and constantly protest Ahsoka's innocence and reasons to stay within the Order if they remained undecided. Eventually Anakin managed to cool down enough to smile at his Master. Knowing that at least one Master would look out for his Padawan was good enough. "Come on Masters! We don't want to be late!" Ahsoka yelled back at them as the other Jedi jogged to catch up.

"Yeah, yeah, we're coming." Anakin told her with a grin. It surprised him that even though Ahsoka would be faced with the Jedi Council how optimistic she was. He hoped the Council gave her no reason not to feel happy.


Ahsoka sat numbly on the waiting sofa while Anakin marched back and forth in front of her. While she understood why he was doing it, it didn't help the butterflies in her stomach. "You're not helping." She admitted finally.

Anakin sighed as he stopped and sat down next to her. "I'm sorry Snips, I just feel so helpless." He stared intently at the Temple guards that stood silently at every corner.

Ahsoka lent against him. "I know you do but right now I just need peace." Anakin understood and turned his body towards her so that she fell against him and he hugged her tightly. Anakin heard the smallest of whimpers escape her lips. "Master? You promised that nothing bad would happen to me." She pulled away from him and Anakin could see tears in her eyes.

He lifted her chin up with one hand and wiped her eyes with the other. "And I intend to keep that promise."

A Temple guard approaching them. "Padawan Ahsoka Tano, they are ready to see you." Ahsoka looked back at her Master once more before she was brought to stand on a platform that lifted her up to face the faces of the Jedi Masters she honoured so much. Anakin moved beneath her with at least three guards so he could watch the proceedings.

Ahsoka looked so small and helpless on that big circle, surrounded by the imposing faces of the Jedi Council. "Padawan Tano," Master Windu began, "You have been brought before this Council on charges of sedation against the Republic. How do you plead?" His deep voice reverberated around the room.

"Not guilty Master, I would never take the lives of innocents. The values of the Jedi are sacred to me." Ahsoka had grown in volume as she stepped forward to make her voice heard.

Anakin nodded beneath her as Master Mundi spoke next. "So you deny killing Letta Turmond or blowing up the Jedi Temple?" Ahsoka nodded in earnest. "Tell us, Padawan Tano, if you are as innocent as you claim: What connection does known Separatist conspirator Asajj Ventress have to do with your 'investigation'?"

Ahsoka frowned for a moment. "She was helping me. I thought we had a mutual understanding but she betrayed me and fought at the warehouse." She smiled at the Council slightly but no one returned it.

"The warehouse where our clones found you surrounded with barrels with nanodroids?" Mace Windu asked.

Ahsoka faltered for a moment. "Well yes it was that warehouse but I was there looking for clues as to who was framing me. Not collecting the nanodroids for any reason."

Ki-Adi Mundi looked suspiciously at his fellow Masters before turning back to her. "None of the clones reported seeing Ventress at the warehouse however they did report to the two of you attacking them." He told her this pointedly and Ahsoka knew why.

"She must've left because she was definitely there. I can't tell who is framing me though. The Force is clouding my judgement." Ahsoka willed the Force to work in her favour bit the answers remained as far away as ever.

Master Yoda finally spoke up. "Clouded, many things are. Around you, Ventress and what happened. Find the answers, we must." Ahsoka hadn't picked up on anything in his speech but Anakin had because he started shouting at them.

"YOU'VE ALREADY MADE YOUR DECISION, HAVEN'T YOU?! THIS MEETING IS JUST A FORMALITY!" He had to be strongly restrained by two of the three guards as Ahsoka looked back up at the Council in a new way.

Master Yoda nodded bitterly. "Reached a decision, we have. Not all in agreement, we are." They all turned to Master Mace Windu.

"It is the Council's decision that Commander Padawan Ahsoka Tano has commited sedation against the Republic and thus will be expelled from the Jedi Order!" It felt as though Ahsoka had been stabbed, she hadn't expected this. At all. How could they do this to her?

Anakin clearly felt the same thing. "YOU CAN'T DO THIS!" His fury radiated off of him and shook the building to its core, dislodging a few loose bricks.

Master Mundi had continued to describe the consequences of this punishment. "Your Padawan status will be stripped from you and you will lose all rank within the Grand Army of the Republic." Ahsoka was lowered back down to her former Master's level as he looked distraught. Tears shone in his eyes but Ahsoka just felt numb and cold as one of the guards ripped out her Padawan braid.  "You will be turned over to the Republic courts to await your trial and will serve whatever punishment they give you. Henceforth, you are barred from the Jedi Order."

Oh my God! Ahsoka's been expelled! A trial awaits her! Lux has gone AWOL! Anakin's going to find who is really behind this! And we've only got two more chapters to go! I hope you enjoyed this chapter for I did! I'll update again tomorrow. Bye, bye.

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