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Looking at myself in the mirror as I fixed my clothes and my hair.

"Oh come on Jungkook that outfit doesn't give off picnic vibes" Jimin said shaking his head at the outfit I chose for my date with Hajoon.

I turned around to face him and threw my hands into the air "What outfit even gives off picnic vibes" I asked him being defeated by all his whinging and complaining.

"Here let me help you" He said as he began to remove my all black outfit.

"You can keep the black dress pants but let's add a pop of color, this brown shirt will do, brown is popular lately" He said throwing the shirt at me.

After putting on the shirt he gave me he then began to look for a shoe for me to wear that gives off "picnic vibes" like he said.

He finished picking out my outfit and we then made our way to the kitchen where we were packing the picnic basket, well more like Jimin was packing the basket and I was watching him do it.

What would I do without him?


My phone notifications went off, I picked it up and unlocked it to see that it was Hajoon who texted me.



Hey Jungkook, I just finished getting ready and I'm on my way to the park...
See you there! :)
Sent 2:15 PM


"Oh crap" I said starting to panic.

"What's wrong" Jimin asked Looking concerned as I paced around the kitchen.

"Did she cancel on you" He questioned raising his eyebrows at me.

"No she said that she's on her way to the park and I haven't left home yet". I said face palming.

"Oh that's nothing I'll just call someone to give you a ride". He said pulling out his phone.

After Jimin made the call about 10 minutes later there was a honk outside.

My ride is here.

Jimin passed me the picnic basket and we rushed out of the house, he got into the passengers seat of the car and I got into the back seat I buckled myself in and held the basket tightly.

"Hang on!" The driver yelled.

I looked up to see who it was as the voice sounded very familiar, It was Hoseok.

"I didn't know that you guys were friends" I said shocked.

"Well, we're kind of more than friends" Jimin said as hoseok held his hand and smiled at him with lovey dovey eyes.

"Eyes on the road" I yelled, as much as this is a shock, it's not shocking enough to die for.

"I'm sorry for being mean to you guys I was only that way because i didn't know how to express my emotions, you see I had a crush on your bestfriend here" He admitted not taking his eyes off the road.

"You're forgiven" I said quickly as we arrived at the park.

I opened the door and climbed out of the car "as long as you're making him happy" I said smiling at them.

They smiled back at me with their matching eye smiles. 

"Thanks now get lost!" I said waving them off.

They laughed as they drove off and I looked around to see no sign of Hajoon.

Maybe I'm on time.

I looked at my watch only for my eyes to be cover by two hands.

"Guess who it is" a sweet voice said.

I grabbed the persons hand off of my eyes and turned around saying "it's Hajoon" while smiling, and it was.

She looked stunning.

"I brought the blanket for us to sit on" she laughed holding up the blanket for me to see.

I nodded as I for some reason couldn't speak.

We then walked around looking for a place to set up our little picnic, after walking around for a while we found a nice spot and began to set it up.

While setting up we started a conversation and occasionally laughed at my clumsiness.

"I wanted to ask you" she said as she took a bite of one of the crackers Jimin packed for us.

"Go ahead" I said smiling as she made a mess and handed her a napkin.

"Why did you order cow milk when you seem to like banana milk more" she asked pointing to the banana milk carton in my hand.

"Well, I ordered banana as a mistake". I admitted as I rubbed the back of my neck a little embarrassed.

"Ohhh" she said looking satisfied with my answer.

"I actually ordered more cow milk in hopes of seeing you again because..." I said trailing off.

"Because what" she asked curiously.

"I liked you" I said as my face turned the color red.

She laughed noticing that I was blushing "I like you too Jungkook, I thought I wouldn't see you again" she revealed.

"I'm glad we met again" I responded taking ahold of her hand.

"I'm glad we met again" I responded taking ahold of her hand

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Cow Milk - Jeon JungkookWhere stories live. Discover now