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"What if I never see her again?". I asked my bestfriend Jimin whom I was on face time with.

After spending some time rethinking about my actions I then decided to call Jimin to talk about the situation.

"Don't say that have a little hope maybe you'll see here again you'll never know". Jimin said reassuringly.

"But she didn't deliver the milk this time it was a man". I reminded him.

"Wel-". I cut him off as he was about to speak.

"What if she thought I was weird so she sent someone to deliver my milk instead?". I blurted out.

"I don't think that's the case Jungkook, why would she think you're weird?". Jimin asked.

"I don't know!, I don't know what she could be thinking". I responded.

"You're just over thinking it Jungkook". Jimin said.

"I can't help it. What if she quit her work? Then I'd never get to see her again cause she doesn't work there anymore". I rambled.

"Oh Jungkook will you stop over thinking the situation". Jimin said getting a bit irritated.

"Fine, I'll try not to". I gave up.

"Good!, and you said that she delivered cow milk for you but you reordered banana milk and this time it was a man instead of her so maybe she only delivers cow milk" Jimin stated trying to make sense of the situation.

Thinking about the statement Jimin madeI then exclaimed "oh my gosh that makes so much sense. I'm gonna order banana milk so that I can see her again!".

"That ah boy!" Jimin said cheering him on.

"Okay bye Jiminie". I said bidding him goodbye and then I cut off the call before he could respond.

I'm gonna buy cow milk!


Cow Milk - Jeon JungkookWhere stories live. Discover now