Chapter 34

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Her body shook with sobs, and he wasn't even sure what she was crying about. There were so many possibilities of what it could be. He hated himself for wrapping an arm around her. He didn't deserve it. He didn't deserve her. Not after everything.

"Do you still love me?"

He flinched at the way her voice wavered, at the choking sound that accompanied her question. How could she even ask?

"Of course I still love you."

"Then why didn't you come back?" She screamed into his shoulder, and he closed his eyes against his tears.

She should know. Alya would have told her.


Alya sat in front of him, looking depressed and uncomfortable. It was how people looked at him nowadays. He wanted to get used to it, but everytime he saw that look on someone, he sank lower into the grave he had dug himself.

"Adrien please."

He looked down at the untouched coffee in his hand, watching the steam rising from the cup.

"She misses you."

He grimaced, shaking his head. He knew that to be a lie. Marinette hated him.

"You didn't see the way she looked at me Alya. She was disgusted."

"She was in shock." Alya snapped, and he shook his head, taking a small sip of coffee, almost grateful that it burned.

"She keeps asking us if we've heard from you." Nino mumbled, and Adrien turned to look at him.

Nino had been the one that carried her home. Adrien had broken his promise. He quickly looked away.

"She just wants answers."

"No. She just wants you. Have you seen her at all lately? She looks fucking awful Adrien. You need to go see her."

They had been begging him to talk to her since the day after it happened. But how could he?  The way she looked at Chat... he shoved the thought down, bile beginning to rise. He was going to be sick again if he kept thinking about it.

"I can't." He breathed, and Alya huffed.

"Go see her. Even if it's just as Adrien. She misses him too. She thinks you blame her for what happened."

He flinched. Marinette couldn't blame herself for that. He was the one to blame. He was the oblivious Adrien, who always saw only what he wanted to see.

"Okay. I'll go talk to her. But please, don't tell her anything."

-end of flashback-

It was why he ended up on her balcony. He needed to see if what Alya said was true. And to his surprise, he found a very defensive Marinette, who still loved Chat Noir.

"Why?" She whispered, and he sighed again.

"I was scared." He admitted, pulling her closer into him, away from the pouring rain.

Her parents were probably worried sick.

"Of what?"

"Everyone thinks Chat Noir is a monster. Everyone thinks he should be arrested, and I agree. I just didn't want to see that look on your face."

Her breathing had slowly evened out, and she pulled away, not looking at his face. He almost wanted her to, to see who he was and to know just how awful what he had done really was.

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