Chapter 13

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"This is kinda dumb." He mumbled, staring down at the yellowed parchment paper he held in his hands.

They had really gone all out apparently. It was crinkled like it was old, and the edges of the paper were singed, as if it had been pulled from a fire just before it was engulfed in flames.

"It's supposed to be fun. Where's your sense of adventure?" Marinette responded, and he wanted to roll his eyes at her.

He had a sense of adventure. But the items they were supposed to collect were ridiculous.

"Three sticks as long as your arm. Two feathers. Four solid black stones. Six pinecones. A single piece of forgotten trash. I mean come on. We're collecting trash on a scavenger hunt?"

"You know, this might go faster if you actually helped me look instead of complaining the entire time." She snapped, and he scowled, shoving the paper into his pocket.

"Alya has an unfair advantage. She's been in these mountains longer than us. She probably knows where everything is."

Marinette sighed loudly, stopping and turning to look at him.

"Can you at least pretend to care about all of us being friends again? This is what it takes. So get over yourself and start participating. Because if Alya finds out we lost because you were complaining the whole time, it's not going to be pretty."

He stared at her for a moment, before sighing and looking away.

"I do care."

"Then act like it. I don't like this any more than you do. But I don't want our group falling apart."

He merely nodded, and she started walking again. He followed silently, keeping his gaze on the ground to look for anymore of their items. They had only collected three pinecones so far, and one stick as long as her arm. At this rate they wouldn't finish before sundown.

"We passed a creek yesterday. There should be stones in it that we can check."

"Good idea." He murmered, glancing up at her back.

She looked fucking amazing. And he knew she did it on purpose. Marinette never dressed like that, at least not that he had ever seen. He refused to play that game with her though. She could prance around in lingerie and he still wouldn't play along. Okay, maybe he would, but Marinette didn't have the balls for that anyway.

"I think it's just down this path."

He glanced at the path she referred to, nodding slightly. They were at the creek in no time, and were currently pacing the sides, looking down at the rocks. She had found two already, and he had found none. He wanted to be able to say that he helped, but she had found almost everything so far. He had been the proud collector of a single pinecone. That was it. He was really starting to hate this game. He spotted something half buried in the sand, and pulled it out. It was an old glass bottle, the writing illegible due to years in the water.

"This counts as forgotten trash right?"

He held it out to her, and she took it with a grin.

"Yep. Mark it off the list."

She crammed it into the bookbag, while he scratched it off the list. So far all they had left was another stick, the two feathers, two more stones, and the riddle. They were actually doing pretty good.

"Found another rock."

She held it up for him to inspect, and he marked another tally next to the stones. Now he was getting frustrated. He wanted to at least find one of those stupid rocks. He marched ahead of her, glaring down at the rock bed next to him. He saw one out of the corner of his eye, and walked into the stream to grab it.

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