Chapter 5

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He pulled the pillow over his head, trying to cover his nose from the stench of the cheese Plagg was loudly snacking on.

"You were a real treat today. I don't think I've ever seen you act so rude."

"What are you talking about? I wasn't being rude." He snapped, tossing the pillow to the side, inhaling deeply.

Maybe the smell would kill him.

"You were glaring at her most of the day. Then you not so gracefully, rejected her. As I recall, she never asked you to accept her feelings."

Adrien growled, sitting up. Telling someone you loved them usually meant you wanted them to return those feelings. He didn't. It would have been wrong not to tell her that.

"I did not glare at her, and I did reject her gracefully."

Plagg rolled his eyes, hovering in front of Adrien as he finished the last piece of his cheese.

"I thought you liked Marinette."

"I do! But... as a friend."

Plagg smirked, and Adrien responded by scowling.

"What? Stop looking at me like that."

"Cats have sensitive ears Adrien. Lucky for you, girls don't."

What the fuck was that supposed to mean?

"During your little cat nap in class, you were saying some stuff. And it wasn't about Ladybug."

He clenched his jaw, laying back on the bed.

"Shut up Plagg. You don't know what you're talking about."

"I know you hurt Marinette's feelings."

No he didn't. She said she just wanted everything to go back to normal. They wanted the same thing.

"That's bullshit Plagg, and I'm going to prove it. Plagg, claws out."

"Wait! I take it ba-"

He transformed into Chat Noir, plagg being sucked into the ring. He scowled at it, wishing Plagg could see his face.

"You'll see. She's fine."

* * * * *

He sucked in a breath, lightly tapping on her trapdoor. After a moment, she slowly unlocked it. He slid in, gently sitting on her bed.

"Evening Marinette. How are you?"

"Sorry Chat. Not really in the mood for company tonight."

Her tone was curt, and he raised an eyebrow. That didn't sound like her at all. She looked fine. No disheveled hair, no tears, no icecream. She didn't seem broken hearted or hurt.

"Everything okay?"

She glared at him for a second, before sighing and climbing down from her loft. He followed, moving over to her desk chair. He was still exhausted, and standing around in the middle of the room didn't sound like any fun.

"I just had a rough day. Sorry. Is everything okay?"

"Yeah, just wanted to stop by and check in. Why was it a rough day?"

Maybe it hadn't been because of him. Maybe it was something else entirely.

"Well, Alya said she forgave me, but she needed time to cool down. Which was totally fine. Adrien on the other hand, that didn't go so well."

Well, that's great. So he had managed to piss her off. How else should he have rejected her? Was there a way he didn't know of, that wouldn't have hurt her? He tried explaining that he didn't want to lose her. That she was one of his best friends. Shouldn't that have been a nice way?

"What happened?"

"I wanted to apologize, and ask if we could just go back to normal. He had been staring at me all day looking annoyed, and had the nerve to act like I was going to throw myself at his feet and beg for his hand in marriage."

No. He had not thought that, but now that he had he almost chuckled. They both would have died on the spot. Him from shock, her from embarrassment.

"Wipe that smirk off your face Kitty. It wasn't funny. He acted like it was my fault that all of this was happening. He said, and I quote, "I don't want to lose you because of this". Can you believe him?"

She whirled around to face him, her cheeks bright red. What was he supposed to say? This sounded like a huge misunderstanding.

"Maybe you just misunderstood him."

Something changed in her demeanor, and he frowned. It didn't seem like a good change. Her gaze narrowed, and it almost sent a chill up his spine. Almost.

"Are you kidding me? You didn't hear the way he talked to me. It sounded like he was rehearsing a damn script, like he had said that same crap over and over to other girls."

Not really, but he had been rehearsing it over and over in his head before he saw her.

"Marinette, I'm sure he didn't mean for it to come off like that. Maybe he was just trying not to upset you."

She started pacing, and every step made him uncomfortable. She acted fine when she had left earlier. When did she get so good at hiding her feelings? Or was he still blind to them? What kind of friend didn't notice stuff like that? No, no he wasn't the one to blame. She never told him.

"Chat, I understand you're trying to help, but you're wrong. He didn't even let me say anything, he just assumed that I wanted to be in a relationship with him, as if he's a gift from God. He is, but no one has any right acting like that."

He smiled faintly, grabbing her shoulder gently to get her to stop pacing.

"Marinette, the boy probably just screwed up. I'm sure he didn't mean any of that."

She stared at him for a moment, before dropping her gaze.

"I know. I'm just... stupid."

She chuckled, and he frowned at her. Why would she say that?

"You're not stupid."

"I thought I had a chance. The way he kissed me... I thought maybe."

He flinched, pulling her into his arms. Yeah, he had screwed up. He shouldn't have kissed her like that, but he couldn't control himself.

"I'm sorry Mari. He... he sounds like a douche."

In truth, he had been pissed at her. None of it was her fault of course, but she was the one who had distracted him. He could have gotten along fine not knowing how irresistible her mouth was.

"Don't talk about him like that Chat. He's really not. Maybe he just had a bad day."

After all that, she was still defending him? Even if she was pissed at him?

"Look on the bright side. Now that you know how he feels you can move on right? Isn't that how most girl crushes work?"

"Ladybug doesn't like you back either. That means you can just move on right?"

She sounded defensive, and he frowned, releasing her.

"No. I love Ladybug."

She gave him a look that meant 'duh' before sighing.

"There are plenty of other models out there. A girl like you should have no problem stealing someone's heart."

He meant it as a compliment, but she looked offended.

"Oh? I'm sure there are other superheros. Plenty of fangirls that would love to sink their teeth into you. Why don't you sweep one of them off their feet?"

How was that the same? Ladybug had nothing to do with this. So why did she keep bringing her up?

Again, another short chapter. My apologies, they will get longer soon.

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