Chapter 10

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She stared at the tv screen, trying to relax enough to get some sleep. She planned on staying up the entire night, to keep from having to sleep next to Adrien. Especially in such close quarters. Alya had already passed out alongside Nino, and the only one left awake was Adrien. She only knew because he kept shifting around on the floor, like he was uncomfortable. There were only two couches, and since Alya and Nino claimed one, he took the floor so she could have the couch. She almost felt guilty. She had kept up an attitude with him most of the day, and he seemed to finally be losing his. She shrugged the thought off, standing up from the couch.


He jumped, turning around to look at her. She forced a soft, and hopefully a friendly smile onto her face.

"I'm going to get some fresh air. You're welcome to the couch."

He seemed taken aback by her offer, and he stood, moving closer to her.

"Can I join you? I don't think I'm going to be able to sleep anyway. And this movie isn't nearly as funny as I thought it would be."

Marinette honestly hated the idea. They both seemed to be having trouble getting along with each other.


She nodded, holding her breath. What was she supposed to say? 'No, I would rather be alone, I can't stand your face right now?' Yeah that was a definite no go. He followed her to the front door, and she quietly pulled it open, wincing at the sunlight. They had all the lights off and the blinds closed, so it had been pretty dark in the cabin. She moved to the porch swing, sitting to one side in case Adrien decided to sit next to her. He stood to the side, and she stared out at the yard, the warmth of the sun suddenly making her realize how tired she had been. She had trouble getting to sleep because her thoughts had been all over the place. Adrien, Chat, the entire week.

"Can I say something without you getting angry at me?"


"Maybe. What is it?"

He hesitated, before moving to sit next to her on the swing. He started pushing it back and forth, the gentle swaying motion making her even more drowsy.

"I wanted to apologize. For what I said at the library. I should have heard you out first. I'm just so used to girls acting like that around me, it's second nature to tell them I'm not interested."

Poor choice of words Agreste. Very poor choice indeed.

"How awful for you." She said it bitterly, and he seemed to quickly regret his words.

"What's with that attitude Marinette? It's so unlike you."

"I could say the same." She retorted, starting to stand up.

She was done with apologies, and done with rejections. He grabbed her wrist gently to stop her, and she hated that warmth spread from his touch, shooting straight into her heart. How did he always do that?

"Hear me out. Please?"

She glanced back at him, the look on his face was sincere. She sighed, pulling her wrist out of his grip and plopping back down on the swing, leaving more room between them than there had been before.

"I've never had a friend feel that way about me. I didn't know how to respond, and looking back I realize how...un-sympathetic I may have seemed."

May have seemed? She narrowed her eyes to her shoes, following their movement as they swung back and forth. She would hear him out, long enough that she wouldn't feel guilty walking away.

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