Chapter 21

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He shifted from one foot to the other, the days events running wild in his head. He had had the worst nightmare in his entire life, Ladybug had kissed him and he turned her down. For Marinette. He glanced up at her, she was standing by the lake, pacing and talking to herself. He was far enough away that he couldn't hear what she was saying, but he wondered. He had turned Ladybug away for her. So she obviously meant something to him. He decided to start listening to his heart. It still longed for Ladybug, but not in the way it used to. The old Adrien would have melted into a puddle at her feet after their kiss. But he had stopped it. His feelings had changed, and he hated change. But, he could do it for her. Marinette. It was finally time to tell her how he felt. He headed down the walkway, his heart thundering in his chest. He didn't understand why he was suddenly so nervous. He knew she liked him already. So why was he starting to sweat? As if sensing he was there she stopped talking and turned to him.


He smiled, a blush creeping into his cheeks. She looked so cute. Her brow was furrowed, her cheeks stained pink and her hair was a mess. She looked beautiful.


She seemed to relax a bit, smiling in return. He turned his gaze to the lake, his chest burning much like his face at how just hard his heart was pounding.

"I must have looked insane." She mumbled, clenching and un-clenching the strap on her purse.

Why did she always have it with her? She didn't really need it all the way out here. Maybe a comfort thing?

"I talk to myself all the time."

It wasn't a complete lie. He did talk to himself. But more often than not he was talking to Plagg.

"Do you think it's working?"

He glanced at her, tilting his head. He had no idea what she was referring to. She looked at him, a sad look in her beautiful eyes.

"Do you think Alya and I are any better off than we were before?"

It was hard to tell. Alot had happened since the start of the week, but it wasn't over yet. They still had a few days.

"I think so. Last night felt normal again."

Mentioning it made his cheeks catch fire, thinking about his dream.

"Yeah... do you think..."

She kept trailing off, as if she couldn't figure out how to word what she was about to say.

"Do you think I can trust her?"

He raised an eyebrow, looking over at Marinette. Her head was hung low, and he reached over, taking one of her hands in his. When she glanced up, he almost flinched at the uncertainty written on her features. He had seen that look on her a few times, but somehow this moment felt worse. Maybe it was because they were talking about Alya. Marinette had always been confident with her. He hadn't realized just how badly she had been hurt by Alya's actions.

"Mari, Alya would never betray you. She did what she did because she thought it would help us..."

He trailed off, sighing as she pulled her hand away. Alya hadn't done it to help Marinette. She had done it to help him. To get him to admit to himself that he had been in denial. That Marinette had always been just a bit more than a friend. He shook his head, his gaze returning to the rippling water to keep himself from chickening out.

"She did it to help me admit my feelings for you."

Marinette froze at his side, and he couldn't bring himself to look at her again. He was afraid of seeing rejection there.

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