Chapter 6

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She didn't know why she was getting so frustrated with him, but the boy was spewing nonsense.

"That's different. Ladybug is one of a kind. Models are a dime a dozen."

"What do you take me for? Some harlot who only cares about looks? Do you really think I'm shallow? Is that how you see me?" She snapped, embarrassed and angry.

Sure. Adrien was hotter than hellfire. But she didn't really care about his looks.

"Of course not Marinette."

"My point is kitty, that you should understand me better than anyone. There are plenty of fish in the sea, but you don't want any of them."

She forced her tone to be soft, but the way his face scrunched up in confusion made her want to scream in frustration. How hard could it be to understand?

"I'm sure it'll pass. It's just a celebrity crush Mari, you'll get over-"

"God Chat. You sound so stupid. How hard is it to believe that I love him just as much as you love her? It's not about who he is. I don't care that he's a stupid model or the son of my idol. I hated him when we first met. I love him because of who he is. He's kind. He's generous and brave and polite."

She could make an entire list of his good attributes, but his kindness was at the top of the list. That was the entire reason she fell for him. His kindness and that umbrella. Chat suddenly smiled, and she crossed her arms.

"Get it now?"

"Sorry Marinette. I just... well I just thought it was a crush."

Was he blushing? Nah, probably not.

"It's okay. It doesn't matter anymore anyway. I'm gonna get over it."

He raised an eyebrow, leaning a little closer to her.

"What do you mean?"

"I'm going to move on. Simple as that. He made it clear to me today that he doesn't like me that way. That's fine. I'll figure something else out."

Chat looked concerned, and maybe even a little bit upset.

"I thought you loved him."

"I do. That's why this is exactly what has to happen. I love him. He knows that now, unfortunately. So my options are either, A. Continue pining after a man that wants nothing to do with me. Option B, shove my feelings so far down I can't feel them anymore, that way, he and I can remain friends."

Sure, it was unorthodox, and would be incredibly difficult to do, but she would do anything for him. If the only way she could be in his life was as a friend, she would do it. Chat stared at her for a moment, shaking his head.

"You'd move on, just to make him happy?"

She sighed in response, sitting down in the chair next to his.

"I'd do anything to make him happy Chat. Anything and everything."

She smiled to herself, almost upset by how true that statement was. She would give him everything, if it meant she would get a smile from him.

"That's.... unhealthy."

She scoffed at his comment, turning to look at him.

"Excuse yo-"

He gently kissed her, a small peck that made her brain misfire. What?

"You should focus on your own happiness. When was the last time you did that?" He asked, but he wasn't looking at her.

His gaze was locked on her lips, and it made her skin burn. When was the last time she had focused on making herself happy? It had been a long time, but that's what heros had to do. They had to put others above themselves. Her gaze drew down to his lips, her heart pounding. She couldn't like Chat. Not like this. He was her partner.

"Show me again?" He asked, and she felt his breath mingle with hers.

This was stupid. Right? Chat and Marinette didn't have a future. Besides, he loved Ladybug. So really, what was the harm? She leaned forward, grabbing the bell on his suit. He started leaning forward as well, his eyes fluttering slightly. She couldn't do this. Chat deserved better than that.

"Maybe next time kitty." She mumbled, releasing his bell and sitting back.

He ran a hand through his hair, looking almost relieved that she had stopped it.

"It takes a strong woman to resist all this."

He gestured to himself with a smirk, back to his playful tone.

"I think you meant a smart woman."

She rolled her eyes, smiling. That was one thing she loved about Chat Noir. He was always playful. Her phone rang, and she shifted over to look at it. Alya was calling.

"I gotta answer this."

He stood, extending his arms above his head to stretch. Her gaze wandered over his chest, her heart suddenly pounding again. Why? Why was it pounding? She looked away from him, grabbing her phone.

"I'll be on my way princess. It was nice to see you again."

He leaned over and kissed her on the cheek, and she felt her face warm.

"Goodnight Chat."

"Goodnight princess."

She watched him climb out the skylight, before answering her phone.

"Hey Alya."

"New plan Marinette."

She sat back down, pushing a pencil on her desk.

"What do you mean?"

"Our group is broken. We need to fix it. So, new plan."

How vague. Marinette closed her eyes, leaning her head back. How did Alya expect to fix their group?

"We need group therapy."

Marinette's eyes shot open, her mouth dropping. Did they even have group therapy for friends?


"Chill. Spring break is coming up, and we're all going to stay at a cabin in the mountains. An entire week, with just us four. Spring break can either fix, or obliterate what's left of our friendship."

"What if it breaks it?"

Alya sighed on the other end of the line, and a small amount of worry raced through Marinette. She probably shouldn't argue with Alya right now.

"Look right now we're at a stalemate. Nothing is going to fix what happened. This is our only shot."

"Okay, okay. I'll do it."

Hope you enjoyed. If there's typos and such, it's because I'm sleep deprived. Apologies in advance.

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