Chapter 15

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"I'm scared." She whispered breathlessly, and he could see her eyes glinting from the light of her phone.

He tried to think of something to calm her, but he was barely holding himself together. They were lost in the fucking forest on a mountainside, it was dark, no signal, and soon no battery period. He didn't have anything to start a fire, and with Wolves howling in the distance staying in one place too long wouldn't be a good idea.

"Nothing is going to happen to us." He stated, because that was the truth.

He would die before he let anything touch her. She was shaking, probably freezing, but he couldn't warm her. They just needed to keep moving.

"Do you feel like jogging?"


Running would exhaust them too quickly, so jogging was their best option.

"I put your phone on airplane mode, to try to save some battery but we don't have a lot of time left. If we jog, we'll get farther before it dies."

She slowly nodded, and he shifted the backpack on his shoulders, picking up the pace until they were in a slow jog. She kept trying to go faster, and he had to keep pulling on her hand to get her to slow down. If they got tired, they would be screwed. They jogged for a while, following the trails different turns and twists. They hadn't heard the howling again, and it terrified him. At least with the howling they would know how far away the wolves were. He heard her phone go off, and panic made his chest ache. He slowed down, glancing around the trail desperate to see a light through the trees, or some sign that they were nearing civilization, but no such sign presented itself.


She sounded as terrified as he felt, her grip on his hand getting tighter.

"It's fine. Do you know how to start a fire?"

He had basically been a shut in for most of his life, so he had never learned crap like that. He hadn't even been camping before this. Not without adult supervision.


He dreaded that answer, and started scanning the trees around them. If they couldn't build a fire their best bet was up a tree right? Wolves couldn't climb trees could they? He saw one with pretty thick branches, and drug her over to it.

"Ever slept in a tree before?"

"You want us to stay here?"

She sounded horrified, and he sighed, taking off the bookbag and setting it down.

"We don't have a choice. If we try to continue down the trail in the dark, and those wolves really are heading our direction, we're screwed. So, we're staying in the tree until sunrise. Then we'll continue. Alya and Nino have probably realized something is wrong, so they'll have called someone to come find us."

He tried to sound as if he wasn't bothered by any of this, that everything was fine. But it wasn't. He didn't even know if Nino and Alya had gotten back to the cabin. He didn't know if they had noticed they were missing. He didn't know anything and it was awful. Marinette had started crying, and he wanted to cry with her.

"What if they don't find us?"

If they still got no where by noon tomorrow, he'd just transform. He would reveal everything to her, if it meant getting her back to the safety of the cabin. This wasn't an emergency. Yet.

"Please don't cry. I promise. Everything will be fine."

He pulled her into his chest, glancing at the screen of her phone. Three percent. They needed to get in the tree. Before they had to climb in the dark.

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