Chapter 9

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He stared up at the cabin as they began unloading the car. It was nice. Two stories, old fashioned log cabin. The trees came up about twenty feet away from it, and he had to admit it was beautiful. He had almost expected a shack. Nothing to do with the owners, just when he had pictured a cabin in the woods it wasn't this. Alya jogged up the steps, unlocking the door.

"I call dibs on choosing a room first!" She shouted, and Nino snickered.

Adrien stole a glance at Marinette, who seemed to be taking in the beauty of the cabin as well. He tried not to think about what he had overheard in the car, grabbing one of his suitcases. He hadn't been asleep when Marinette woke up. He had just pretended, because being awake would have left room for a conversation, and he wasn't ready for that yet. He followed everyone inside, glancing around at the interior. The theme seemed to be rustic farmhouse, which actually looked nice. He trudged up the stairs, practically dragging his suitcase behind him. His father had wanted him to pack the wardrobe for the photo shoot as well, which was why he had about four bags.
He picked a random room, tossing his bag on the bed.

"Alright everyone. Follow me outside please."

Alya walked past his door, and he took a deep breath. He could pretend everything was fine for the week. He could pretend long enough to repair their group dynamic. From what Marinette had told Chat last night, it sounded like it was all his fault anyway.

"Chop chop people!"

He rolled his eyes, making his way into the hall, slamming straight into Marinette. They both hit the floor, him landing on top of her. Her eyes were wide, and she was immediately turning red. He was inches from her lips, and the need to close the distance angered him beyond belief. He scoffed at himself, quickly pushing off of her.

"You ran into me." She snapped, and he was taken aback by her aggression.

What brought that on? Then he realized. That scoff. She had assumed it was directed at her.

"I'm sorry." He mumbled, offering his hand to help her up.

She ignored it, getting up by herself. He clenched his jaw, inhaling sharply. It wasn't his fault she made an assumption. She brushed past him, and his heart started pounding. He glared at her back, watching her disappear down the stairs.

"That was tense." Nino commented behind him, and Adrien wiped the glare off of his face.

"It was an accident. I accidentally scoffed, at myself, not her. And she got pissy because of it."

Nino shrugged, walking past him.

"Come on. Alya needs help setting up the tent."

"Tent? I thought we were sleeping in here."

* * * * *

He stared at the tent in horror. It was small, it looked like two-two man tents put together. There was a small tunnel connecting the two sides, and it looked like it was made for two people. Not four. He and Nino would practically be sleeping on top of each other. He cringed at the thought, shaking his head.

"Alya isn't this tent a bit small?"

"Yup. First step to becoming friends again? Dropping all personal space. But don't worry. This is only for night one. I thought it would be a nice way to start off the week." She answered, and he shifted his gaze back to the tent.

This was going to be one awful week if she had more stuff like this planned.

"It won't be so bad."

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