Ch57: Mere Mortals

Start from the beginning

My fall was interrupted by what felt like flesh and bones. I collided into it, feeling mild pain at the contact. It was the Eel. He had somehow leaped after me and now held me tightly, as he balanced on Chat Noir's pole. Come to think of it, his costume resembled that of Chat Noir - except the fabric was snowy white. Somehow this was my first time noticing. Was this Felix? Had he woken up? Why would the Eel save me? Unless this was all apart of his twisted way of tormenting me.

"Felix?" I asked, blinking hard to clear away the dizzying stars caused from sealed eyes.

"Still me," the Eel said flatly.

He lowered us to the ground and I immediately collapsed on my knees and inhaled.

"Why? Why did you save me? Or is this apart of the process?" I questioned in between desperate gasps of air.

The morning light caused his skin to glow - right now, he truly looked like an angel with all of heaven glowing behind him as the sun rose.

The Eel rolled his eyes.

"I'm not ready to kill you," he muttered, "Not because I've changed my mind though. Your death is inevitable. Last time I let you live, Felix ended up dying."

"Because you enjoy watching me suffer then?" I accused, unsure of what he meant by the 'Felix dying' comment. It was probably just to through me off.

"Precisely!" The Eel said, holding a finger up as if I'd pinpointed his exact feelings. Or unless I'd come up with the perfect excuse for him.

Something was off with him. I could see his chest rising and falling rather quickly. And was it just me, or were his hands trembling? That's right - when he caught me, I felt his entire body trembling - at first I thought it was me, but what if it was him? But why?

The Eel suddenly covered his mouth as if he was suppressing the urge to vomit.

That's when it hit me.

The Eel may be in control of Felix's mind and body, but it was Felix himself who controlled the body's core impulses such as fear, disgust, anger - things that were all regulated by Felix's subconscious. The Eel must not have complete possessive control yet - Felix was still in there fighting for his freedom.

Based on the Eel's attempt to hide his symptoms, I assumed Felix's body started having a panic attack once I was pushed off the tower. The Eel - not wanting to cause devastating harm to the vessel's mental and physical capabilities - had to save me to end the panic attack. Now the body was having a visceral reaction to my near-death: vomiting.

I didn't realize my potential death had such a strong influence over Felix's body. So strong - the Eel was still bound.

"Are you afraid of heights?" I asked the Eel, feeling a new wave of strength knowing that I was 'safe' for now.

"No," The Eel quipped.

Should I run away? The Eel was busy vomiting behind some bushes. He was knelt on his hands and knees, coughing. I'm sure Felix would be humiliated that I was seeing his body doing this. I know I sure would - well, actually it had already happened. So, I guess we were now even.

If I ran, that would be abandoning Felix, and I couldn't do that. Maybe if I stuck around, I could learn more about how the Eel was possessing Felix, then come up with an idea to free him. Knowledge was power, after all.

When the Eel emerged from the bushes, he seemed suspicious.

"Why didn't you run? I thought I was going to have to chase you," he said, wiping his mouth.

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