Ch 19 - Sister in Laws Bonding

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stellarosedutton co author

Y/N was getting dressed, curling her hair as she walked downstairs and saw Beth sitting there “Hey sis, got something to talk to you about. Maybe we should go shopping, and spend some time together while we talk” She says, knowing that Beth couldn’t have children and she wanted to help with everything including the fact that she could give Beth a baby and be a surrogate for her sister in law and brother in law as she runs a hand through her curled hair “i was thinking that i could be a surrogate, and carry a baby for you and Rip. What do you think about that sis?” She says, hoping that her sister in law would be alright with it but she didn’t want to upset her sister or anything as she walked out of the main house with her sister as she handed the keys to her brand new truck to Beth “you can drive sis, i trust you”

Beth’s POV
Y/n came downstairs saying she'd be a surrogate for me to have a baby which made me nearly drop my glass of wine right onto the live room carpet. Growing up with her we weren't all that close since she hung around my little brother more than anyone. But I see why he loves her. Here she is offering me the chance of something I thought I'd never have. She's willing to give me a baby, my own child. We headed into the best stores in town trying on a bunch of outfits. Then headed to some bars for drinks, but she didn't have too many since she had to take care of my brother and Evie when we got back. "Y/n, I see why my brother likes you." I said smoking a cigarette on our front porch with her sitting beside me. "Why is that, sis?" She asked me to brush her hair behind her ear. Putting my cigarette out I take her freehand in mine, smiling. "You're willing to do anything to make our family happy. So yes I'll gladly let you give me a baby if you're up for it." She grins hugging me and I hug her back, I can't wait to tell Rip.

Y/N smiled and hugged Beth, happy that she agreed “think we should have dinner and discuss this, get rip’s opinion on the matter” She says, knowing that Rip would want a say in the matter at hand as she held the bags before heading out to the truck and loading the bags “i think Kayce would be fine with me giving you a baby, and such” She says, seeing Beth’s phone ring as she climbed into the truck and buckled her seat belt to be safe and such as she looked out the window and let Beth take the phone call with Rip as she rested her head on the window and closed her eyes to rest as she knew that Beth would drive back to the ranch and make sure that everything was fine once they discussed it with Rip.

Rip’s POV
Rip smiled at Y/N, watching her closely as he noticed that she had started showing so he hardly let her do anything around the house “honey, you should be resting. Beth would tan my hide if she knew that you were up and walking around” He says, helping Y/N over to the chair as he sat her down and covered her up as he noticed that she was cold as he covered her with a fur blanket right as Beth walked into the house “Hello darling, how was your day?” He asked, knowing that she was usually talkative when it came to her day as he waited for her to respond as he watched Y/N get comfortable in the chair as he walked to the kitchen and wrapped his arms around her waist as he noticed how she was quiet and not speaking at all.

Beth’s POV
Dad's gonna be angry. I've been stalking our competition and they plan on building a casino right through our ranch. The production plans are set to happen in a few months if we don't find a way to shut them down. Entering the house I slammed the front door throwing my bag on the couch. Y/n is starting to show she's carrying our child. "Hello darling, how was your day?" My lover asked, wrapping his arms around my waist. My eyes don't meet him, instead I see my sister in law. Her hands resting on her belly. Thinking to our children, to dad's legacy of the ranch. "Beth, what's wrong?" She got to her feet seeing my worries which can't be good for the baby. My little brother was recovering fast which lessened her stress, until this. "The ranch won't be here in four years, baby. If we don't find a way to stop them. We'll lose this place."

Y/N walked over, her hand resting on her stomach as she was starting to show and get bigger by the day as she rubbed her belly and looked at us “y'all need to explain this, and run it down where i can understand it better” She says, feeling movement as she rubbed the spot where the baby was kicking as she winced when it kicked hard as she gripped the counter because the baby was kicking harder than usual which caused Y/N discomfort and pain sometimes she had to take warm baths to calm down the pain and braxton hicks when the baby decided to be pain but she had her bad days and she knew that this was one of those days “B-Beth, it hurts. It isn’t supposed to hurt this much” She says, her eyes filling with tears as she rested her head on the counter top

Rip’s POV
Beth dialed her father as I picked Y/n up carrying her to my truck as she moaned in pain. She's only 6 months pregnant and she shouldn't be hurting this much considering the other times weren't this bad. "Dad will meet us at the hospital with Tate and Evie. I couldn't get a hold of Kayce." Beth slammed the car door as we raced to the hospital. Nurses ran out to the truck since we called in an emergency. "Ah! Beth I need  - I need Kayce!" My sister in law sobbed through tears. "Stay with her. I'll find him." I rush outside to the hallway cursing when I get a voicemail. "Damn it Kayce. Where the hell are you!" Y/n's shrieking finally stopped as the doctor came back with the x-ray results. Please let our child be okay. 

Kayce's POV 
"I'm not sure about giving you a job here Avery." I voiced my head still not 100% back to normal. Dad had said we needed a new ranch hand to replace Walker and somehow she found out about it. Grabbing my training rope from the wall in the barn I gently tug a new horse outside. "Kayce, just trust me. I'll do my work I promise." Releasing the horse into the pen I climb over the fence calling over my shoulder. "Listen if you're here about a job, go talk to my dad." Swinging my rope around I make the horse start running in circles so it breaks its wildness. I've got too much on my plate to worry about hiring people for this ranch. Avery rests her head on the wooden posts twirling her hair. "I'd rather talk to you, Kayce." Looking up from watching the horse I see her eyeing me weirdly. My phone vibrates in my pocket but I don't pick up scoffing and going back to work. "Look I've gotta get back to work. I've been having my wife take care of me for weeks." She leans up on her hands starting to climb over the fence causing me to walk over to her so she doesn't. "Do you believe in love at first sight, because I did the first time I saw ya." Fixing my black hat I roll my eyes starting to walk away but she grabs me by the collar of my jacket kissing me. Her grip is tight where I can't pull away until I feel her trying to unbutton my shirt. Shoving my hands against her I feel my phone going off again, I see multiple missed calls.  "Kayce get your fucking butt down here. My baby is causing your wife horrible pain!" Beth's voice screams at me. I immediately climbed the fence racing for my truck. 

Y/N was laying in a hospital bed, with a IV and machines hooked to her for the baby’s heart as she rested her head on a pillow as she was exhausted and finally resting as she laid there in the hospital bed because they had admitted her for overnight observation to make sure everything was alright. Y/N woke up, looking around as she saw Rip and Beth but No Kayce as she reached for her sister in law’s hand as tears fell down her cheeks “what is taking so long for him to get here?” She says, her voice hoarse from crying and screaming as she gripped Beth’s hand and held onto it like her life depended on it if she was to let it go then she would visibly shatter and break down

Beth’s POV
Looking down at my tired sister in law I hide my annoyance. "He's in the lobby letting you rest." I glanced at Rip who said nothing. Lying to her is the only opinion right now. Leaving her room I hear a truck's tires screech in the parking lot. Stomping outside I see him start to get out but I shove him against the truck. "Where the hell have you been!" He grunts from the impact which takes him a few seconds to respond. "At the ranch. Avery came by and I thought she wanted a job. She really wanted to sleep with me." It takes everything in me not to hit him in the head right now. That girl had a crush on him in high school so of course she comes around now. "How's Y/n?" Grabbing a cigarette from my purse I quickly take a smoke eyeball from my brother's partly unbuttoned shirt, that dang girl. "She's extremely tired. The doctors are keeping her overnight. We'll know what is wrong in the morning." He pushes off the truck starting to walk towards the entrance. "Can I - uh see her?" Putting my cigarette out I scoff pushing my hair behind my ear. "I'm sorry is this stupid questions day by my little brother. Of course you can see her. One she's your wife and two oh yeah it's still the first reason!" He rushed inside me following after as I mumbled to myself. "You just better hope she doesn't suspect anything with that shirt."

Is Avery gonna cause trouble?

What's wrong with the baby?

Comment you're thoughts :)

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