Ch 14 - Memories at Camp

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stellarosedutton co - author

Authors note
I can't believe we're at 14 chapters!!

Kayce's POV 
"I feel like a big balloon lying in this bed all day." Y/n complains from the bed while I discard my dirty shirt climbing into her bedside. "Well you look like a cute one. Plus look at it this way, we're weeks away from finally meeting our little girl." I explained twirling some of her hair in between my fingers. She glances up into my eyes, biting her lip. "When should we tell your dad about the name we picked out?" Kissing her forehead I rest my free hand on top of her's that rests on her belly. "Let's keep it a surprise until we go to the camp with him and Tate in a few weeks." She lays her head on my bare chest falling asleep as I wrap my arms around her big belly. 

Placing my hat on my head I stepped out onto the porch seeing everyone had the wagon loaded up and ready to go. Dad and Tate ride together on the same horse in the very front. Walking over I see Y/n struggling to climb on my horse with her belly in the way. She still has to wear the medical boot for a few more days until we see the doctor again. Thankfully though he said we could ride horses as long as she took it really slow so as to not injure our child. "You know we don't have to go with them if you're not up for it." I voiced seeing her groan her left foot in the holder eyeing me. 

She shakes her head, too stubborn to say no. "I'm going, Kayce. I'm not missing time with our son at camp just because I'm pregnant." Resting my hands on her hips I push her up onto the horse, waiting a few minutes so she's settled. Grabbing the reins I climbed on behind her wrapping an arm around her waist so she didn't fall. "Daddy, mommy, you ready!" Tate called back excitedly wearing a tan cowboy hat on his head. Y/n fixes a light brown cowgirl hat on her head smiling. Clicking my tongue and gently kicking my horse I called back to signal dad. "All set. Let's ride!" Dad headed off our horse behind him with the other cowboys and the wagon following behind us, Summer Camp here we come. 

Y/N got off of the horse, leaning on her crutches as she looked at Kayce "alright come on, help me get everything set up and we can maybe go sit down by the river for a little while. Gives us a chance to rest and spend time together, since I'm sure that Tate is gonna be fishing with your dad until dinner time" She says softly, hobbling around as she grabbed the tent bag and started setting it up as she was getting around easier since she had gotten out of the hospital as she looked at Tate who was running around the camp and having fun with Rip who had become like a uncle to their son as she hummed softly

Y/N was sitting down by the river bank with Kayce, watching the sunset as she laid her head on his shoulder “What do you think our future is gonna be like Kayce?” She says, her hand resting on his arm as she was glad that they had this spot to call their own “do you think that we have a family, get married, or what” She says, wondering what her best friend thought about when it came to the years that would be ahead of them when the time came for them to decide who they wanted to be but Y/N knew who she wanted to be, and what she wanted. She had been in love with her best friend since they were kids and always having each other’s back but she loved spending time with him at the summer camp because they could just spend hours down by the river while watching the sunset before John and Evelyn would yell that it was dinner time and they should go to eat before everyone settled down for the night. Sometimes, Y/N would sleep in Kayce’s tent because she hated being away from her best friend

John's POV
I had the camp set up where there's no cell service unless you walk a few steps in the opposite direction. I'm not gonna let work ruin my time with my family while we're up here. "Grandpa, what do you think my dad and mom will name my sister?" My grandson asked laying on the ground to clean the fish we caught early this morning. "Well, that discussion isn't really up to us, Tate. It's up to them." He stares at me, not liking the reply. "Yeah I know. But what would you guess?" Tipping my hat up a little, opening the bag of lemons for the fish, I bite my lip. "Well if I had to guess your mom will get to pick. Considering your daddy picked the name for you." He wipes his hands on his pants coming over to sit by me on a log. "I'd pick Olivia if I got to name her." Looking at my grandson I smiled. "Remember that for when you have kids of your own, grandson." 

Kayce's POV
The stars and moon are above our heads now. The wolves howling in the distance with a warm fire keeping us all warm as we sit in a circle. The tents all set up to go for the night. Y/n comes out of the tent wearing one of my jackets sitting on the log Tate beside her. Dad sits on one side of the fire with me on the other close to my family. "Hey, is that mine?" I playfully joke with a smile. She sticks out her tongue at me. "Maybe it is what ya gonna do about it?" I let out a chuckle sniffling something familiar in the air. Is that what I think it is. Y/n sniffs around too, seeing a bucket hanging above the burning fire. "Biscuits!" We both exclaimed with joy. I haven't had any since mom died that day. "Why are you two so happy about biscuits?" Tate asked into the air confused, we hadn't gotten around to telling him the story of the famous biscuits yet. 

"You two ain't told him about his grandmother's biscuits yet?" Dad slapped his knees in shock with a deep chuckle. Y/n and I shake our heads no, causing dad to pull his grandson to sit in his lap. "I'm gonna tell you a story, grandson. A story of how badly your parents have an addiction to these particular biscuits. You see your grandma Evelyn had this secret recipe for making biscuits. Every Time she'd make'em the whole house would just be filled with the warm scent. Those two over there would lose their minds everytime they found the treats." Tate laughed looking back at us. "Really?" I blushed a little messing with my black hat, as dad kept telling the tale. "There was this one time during a Christmas dinner that your daddy and mommy were bouncing off the walls waiting for them. When they were finally ready he'd take a plate of biscuits and nothing else. They'd just sit with their backs to us in the fire light, going at them with both their hands." Y/n giggles beside me blushing like I am. "They were really good." 

Y/n is stuffing her face with the delicious biscuits. I've got a plate of my own sitting in my lap. Tate and dad are each munching on their own until Y/n and I voiced at the same time. "I'm out." Tate looks to dad who chuckled while lifting the lid of the warm pot. "There's only one left. Watch this grandson." Spinning in my seat I eye my wife seriously holding my left palm out my other hand becoming a fist. "Rock, paper, scissors." She threw paper and I threw scissors, cheering. "I win!" But as I'm about to bite into it she tackled me to the dirt. I hold the biscuit away out of her reach seeing her hovering above me. Her pregnant belly pressing on my chest. "Kayce John Dutton give me the biscuit." She warns sternly looking down at me. 

"Y/n M/n Dutton, I won it fair and square." I mocked my wife, my curly locks messier than usual and my black hat in the dirt. Tate comes over, snatching it from my hands making us both snap our heads his way. "Hey, that's ours!" He laughs, tearing it into three pieces, giving one to each of us. "You guys are acting like kids." Dad chuckles picking up my hat from the dirt after I helped Y/n to her feet. "I second that grandson. They're like wild dogs." Y/n and I both chuckled so hard that she grabbed her chest, bending over a little until she gasped sharply. "Ow, ow, ow!" Gently grabbing her shoulders I searched her over for injuries but found nothing. My eyes locked onto hers seeing fear in them. "Y/n, babe. What's wrong?" She bares her teeth together groaning in pain. "Ah! Kayce it's the baby...she's coming." 

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