Ch 12 - Home is where the Heart is

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stellarosedutton co - author

Y/N was laying in the bed, wide awake as she watched Kayce sleep in the bed before slipping his shirt on as she got up and walked down the stairs of the cabin as she started making breakfast and brewing the coffee as she placed her phone on the counter while continuing to cook as she heard Kayce’s feet hit the floor as she looked at her ring as she grinned when she felt Kayce wrap his arms around her “mmm good morning Mr.Dutton, did you sleep well?” She says softly, leaning into her husband’s chest as she grinned and felt lighter than air as she runs her thumb over his hand as she wondered what it would be like to have a baby with her husband as she heard her phone ringing with a facetime from Beth “hey sis! How are you and Tate holding up?” She says, knowing that Beth had been teaching her nephew how to ride his pony as she kissed Kayce’s cheek and handed him a plate of food and a cup of coffee while she held the phone “go sit down and eat Kayce, i will join you in a moment. Now go on, enjoy your breakfast honey” She says softly, running a hand through her hair before she heard Beth hang up as she rushes to the bathroom and throws up as she held onto the toilet as she was getting sick but she hadn’t gotten her period since before they left for the honeymoon as she stands up and wipes her mouth with a cloth before walking out of the bathroom.

Kayce's POV
As I'm finishing my breakfast I hear Y/n throwing up making me jump up racing towards her. After being there through her first pregnancy with Tate I have a guess on what this means now. She wipes her mouth leaning her back on the doorway of the bathroom. "Kayce…" She slowly breathed out. Smacking my forehead lightly I remember what Beth had slipped into my bag, pregnancy tests. Rushing to our room rummaging through the bag I find the box heading back to her. "Looks like my sister was looking out for us this time." Y/n opens the test as I pace in the hallway. Why am I nervous about this? I'm the one basically raising Tate. But this one will be my child, mine by blood. The bathroom door creaked open with her sticking her head out and I came inside with her. Seeing the test laying on the sink and I've gotta say this waiting feels like an eternity. Finally the time goes off and she picks it up, mumbling to herself. "Pregnant.' Leaning forward my hands on my knees I asked. "What is it, honey?" Y/n grins like she's a child again eating my mother's biscuits for the first time all over again. "I'm pregnant. We're pregnant, Kayce." Without a thought I captured her lips with mine kissing her deeply and once she sat the test down she wrapped her arms around my neck smiling into the kiss. 

Y/N smiled and kissed back, holding onto Kayce "think we should probably tell your sister, I think the aunt should be the first to know. I love you Mr.Dutton, and I know that our little girl or boy is gonna love you too. Now call your sister so she doesn't think that I'm avoiding her." She says, laying her head on his shoulder as she let out a small yawn and kissed him softly, happy that she was having another baby, and she hoped that it's a girl because then she'd have a child to spoil but she loved spoiling Tate and would eventually have to tell him about the baby. 

Kayce called his sister, hoping she would answer "hey sis! You're gonna be an aunt again, y/n's pregnant!" He says, cheerfully through the phone because he was so excited for the baby and Y/N because he had been raising Tate, but this baby boy or girl would be all his if he got the chance and stuck around the ranch because he loved her more than anything in this world.

Beth's POV
Beth smiled when Kayce said that, her heart leapt with joy "I'm gonna spoil the baby endlessly Kayce. I'm proud of you little brother. Mama would be proud of you too, finally going after y/n all these years and marrying her. Mama figured you'd marry her sooner or later but I'm still proud nonetheless. Love you brother, you bring my sister in law to visit me again" she says, teasing him like she always does.   

Y/n's POV
The rest of our honeymoon was spent chilling in the cabin but today we have to go back to work at the ranch plus deliver news to my father in law. Kayce barely gets me out of the truck before I feel my son's arms wrapped around me. "Hey buddy." I chuckled watching Kayce playfully smiling bringing the bags in the house. Beth exited the house holding a bottle of beer in her hands. "He's been trying to ride that pony all day every day." Lifting him up in my arms I place a kiss to his head laying it in my neck. The cowboys ride off, roping calves in the distance of the nearest fields and I smile seeing my father in law riding up to me on a horse. "I didn't expect you two to be back so soon. Any reason why?" Kayce stood on the porch, glancing over my shoulder and tilting his head towards the door. "Hey, Beth, can you watch him for a second?" She nodded, taking Tate to the barn and John followed me inside the house. 

"So what exactly are you two keeping from me?" He said sitting down on the couch in front of the fireplace with Kayce and I standing in front of him. "Dad, how would you feel about having another grandchild?" Kayce slowly asked, trying to hide his huge smile. John leans forward smiling at the thought. "I'd never be against it." Resting my hands on my belly I grinned like my childhood self. "I'm pregnant, John." He gets to his feet pulling us both in for hugs and laughter. Kayce pulled me into his side kissing my forehead, grinning. "I love you, Kayce." Leaning on my toes I kissed his cheek giggling. "Love you too. Now we just have to tell our son."

Y/N walked into the house, gripping Kayce’s hand as she saw Tate stuffing his face with cookies as she grinned “Hey Tate, can mama and daddy talk to you about something. What would you say if we told you that mommy was gonna have a baby” She says, wondering how he would react to the news but she was nervous and worried that he would be upset because he is getting a brother or sister but Y/N felt a wave of relief wash over her when Tate hugged her and kissed her belly “so does this mean that you are excited about having a baby brother or sister. What do you say that we go out and have some dinner with your grandpa and your daddy” She says, holding Kayce’s hand as she stands there when she looks at our son who was squealing happily and running around in circles happily.

Kayce's POV 
All of us piled into dad's truck heading to a small dinner in town near Beth's office. Tate and Y/n ordered chicken nuggets. Dad ordered a steak and I ordered a pizza. Everything was going fine up until I heard some banging in the distance. "Kayce?" Y/n sees my eyes trained forward on the streets outside the window. Someone falls down on the street and I clearly hear what the sound is now. Gunshots. "Get down underneath the table, now!" I ordered the others to reach for my handgun when a bullet flew through the window. Everyone inside the diner ducks and a few stray bullets kill two customers and a waiter. Aiming my gun out I see the attackers are wearing ski masks over their faces before I shoot one dead. One of them fired a shot back at me but I shot their arm before the bullet could go in the direction of me. Instead I heard my wife release a bloody scream by that point I shot off two more bullets killing the man. Dad climbed out from under the table after I said it's clear. "So much for a fucking peaceful dinner." Tate whimpered still under the table with Y/n. "Daddy, mommy's red." Dropping to my knees I see red blood coming from her right ankle. "Shit, dad, call the hospital!" Tearing a piece of my shirt I put pressure on the wound seeing her eyes starting to close. "Y/n, Y/n hey you gotta stay awake. Please, you can't pass out on me." But her eyes fell close, staring at me with her hands on her belly. "Y/n!" 

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